Tells are a means of communicating to someone directly who is either standing in your location, or is some distance away. In some cases, these conversations may not be entirely private.
The most intimate form of communication is through the TELL command. This enables you to single out one particular player as the recipient of your message. Thus you may TELL <player> <message> and that player alone will receive it. Alternatively, you may simply omit the TELL command and use the syntax of <player> <message> - both have the same function.
Syntax: TELLS and CT
Type TELLS to repeat view your last dozen or so received tells and CT to clear the log of your latest tells. Your tells log lasts, at most, twenty four hours.
If, for some reason, you do not wish to be disturbed by private TELL messages, you may type TELLS OFF which disables all incoming TELLs and messages - TELLS ON will reverse this. It should not be confused with the more subtle enemy tells described below.
It is possible to ignore individual players - typically those who are annoying you with tells and messages and whatever else. This is done by typing IGNORE followed by their full name and performs the equivalent of labelling them ENEMY with a rank of 1 and activating ETELLS QUIET. The process is silent; it does not inform the target of your declaration. You must have your HOSTILE demeanour active to use this facility else you will simply issue the IGNORE emotive interaction.
There are many spies in the land, and various methods of 'bugging' your conversations - including, most commonly, the use of the bug-shaped rune. This will allow others to eavesdrop on your private tells but can be negated by seeking out the so-called privacy locations. These are locations in which, when you LOOK at the verbose description, you will see the 'there is a distinct feeling of privacy here'. In such locations you will be COMPLETELY private, impossible to bug or eavesdrop by any means, mortal or divine. In privacy locations you can type PEER at any time and even hidden, invisible or divinely concealed people will be revealed to you.
See: HELP SPEAKING for the main help-file on forms of communication, with HELP COMMUNICATION the non-beginner summary; HELP CALLING with details of calling channels and HELP SAY, HELP SHOUTING and HELP ADVICE for specifics on various ways to make yourself heard.