Closing your session in Avalon by 'QQ-ing' your character effectually 'pauses' your character's progression and removes them bodily from the land, however life and events in Avalon will continue during your absence. You may wish to visit The Meeting Place ([HELP MEETPLACE](/help/pages/meetplace)) in the interim.
When you decide to conclude your Avalon session you will want to safely 'pause' your character, its progress, skills and inventory. To leave Avalon in the most appropriate way type QQ or QUIT. This will begin the save-and-logout procedure and twelve seconds later, your character will be taken out of the land. Everything about your character will be stored safely, waiting to be re-commenced next time you connect.
In almost all cases you will find you return to Avalon in the same location you QQ'd, holding the same items and with your SKILLS and SCORE and STATUS as you left it. This applies to many afflictions, diseases and injuries as they are part of your character and must be dealt with in-game. Typically you will need to restart your DEFENCES and whatever ephemeral preparations you had made, in readiness to face whatever dangers lie ahead. Quitting will discard any quest-or-puzzle objects (i.e. those items used by the game, for player quests) but will retain all 'personal' objects. You can tell an object is 'personal' by using EXAMINE - to look closely at the possession - and noting "It belongs to you" appended to the description.
It is possible to leave Avalon by simply closing your connection but this subjects your character to the same twelve second QQ process - with the disadvantage of not being present to deal with any last-moment emergencies.
While your character is out of the land - after QQ'ing - it will be almost entirely safe from harm. Nobody will be able to attack you. Nothing much will happen to you. Your physical body will be entirely removed from Avalon. It is the equivalent of pushing the PAUSE button; to be resumed next time you logon. The only significant developments 'about your person' while you are QQ'd is the passage of Avalon time - as the days continue to pass in the land. This means you and your possessions will age and those objects susceptible to 'wearing out' will very gradually do so.