Historic Timeline of Avalon since October 1989

History of Avalon since October 1989


Work begins on all skills worldwide and across all professions, beginning with the Thief profession

Read More Eleuthral 1447
10th March 2018

Avalon releases four hundred tasks worth of novicehood, the new Badges chapters, concurrent tasks, another thirty worldwide deeds, and the Masterclass and Honours chapters begin

Paglost 1447
7th March 2018

All commodities worldwide are reproportioned to sane levels, Farming and Labours begin their revisions and essential fixes, and the addition of Warehouse buildings for guilds. Warfare is placed on pause while the economic and novicehood aspects of the realm are smoothed, shared tactics and markers become commonplace, and the legion melee issues have time to be addressed.

Read More Midwinter 1447
1st March 2018

On the 13th of Eleuthral, 1446, The Wizards of Silverfalls merged their entire membership into the Mages of Mercinae. Lamron assumed, from Ondine's dormancy, the guildmastery of the second eldest Mercinaen guild in the land.

Eleuthral 1446
22nd February 2018

The role of warfare in the realm, and its balance of attention from non-warfare interests, is decided. Warfare as a destructive force is returned to its rightful place, as compoennt not ultimate decider of cities, by general consent and divine recommendation. Legion warfare, especially razing, plundering, and destructive acts against cities, becomes only theoretically possible but impractical without real years of neglect. The other meta-aspects of Avalon reassert themselves immediately after, with a rash of fighting over guild and council chambers, fields sown and mineheads dug, and the reasserted rights of the baronies in each of the cities.

Read More Leaflost 1445
19th February 2018

In a terrible day for Thakria, Prince Fenris of Parrius with Deputy Darian and Prince Lleu of Mercinae with General Raldon pressed their advantage against the Thakrians, who suffered for the absence of their Field Marshall Zio. Despite valiant efforts by General Mystfade, Major Balliol, Zakath, and Belgarath, no amount of assistance was sufficient to recover what was already lost. Of the roughly 135,000 men deployed (at the time a quarter of the Thakrian military), over 60,000 were slain with less than a few hundred killed in return, for lack of ammunition, weapons, or orders. The feasting season came to a close with the northern towns up to Moonstone Lake occupied by Parrius and Eleusis firmly under Mercinaen control and pressing into the Greenwood. The second campaign season, of 1445, closed spectacularly. There was a flurry of claimed territory from Mercinae and Parrius, with over two hundred locations and multiple villages conquered by them each. Between them, Thakria suffered the loss of an embarrassing sixty-five thousand men, the highest in history. Prince Lleu led a successful invasion and conquest of Eleusis, held early by Thakrian Marshall Zio and wiping away almost thirty thousand Thakrian men. Field Marshall Fenris destroyed another thirty-five in the north, liberating Greeny's Edge and Snowfoot, but promptly disappeared. Acting Field Marshall Darian continued the assault on the sleepy Thakrians, until in the final months of the season Thakria resurged with full claims across Goblin Town and Thaumacie by Generals Necrophona, Mystfade, and Colonel Aerian. Mercinae's military junta now holds Nassau, Coriona, and Marshton as tributaries while Parrius holds Knightswood and Eleuthera. Their Entente Cordial continues.

Paglost 1445
17th February 2018

The campaign season returned on Cloudburst 1445. The frosted leaves, brushed white by the northern snows, now warmed. From the depths of cities to the West, South, and East, the drums pounded and shook the eaves of the forests of Greenwood, Chetwood, Grey, and Northwood. Banners rose over the northern towns and claims called loudly by Thakria. Mercinae began a systematic assault on Eleusis, led by Prince Lleu, against the disorderly armies of Thakria stationed there by Field Marshall Zio. Simultaneously, Parrius continued their march from Oakwood through to Snowfoot, wiping out tens of thousands of Thakrian legions left without orders or equipment. With no sign of the Thakrian Field Marshall, young Thakrian captains were drilled in proper retreat by Cornelius, but the damage was long done. Cloudburst ended with a shower indeed, of the Thakrian dead exceeding twenty-five thousand men.

Cloudburst 1445
11th February 2018

On the 4th day of Skyelong, 1444, Zio as Field Marshall of Thakria plants the first flags of Thakrian territory since the return of war. The 4th of Skyelong witnesses a rash of territorial flags planted, with Fenris, Prince and Field Marshall of Parrius, being the second to claim territory, along the western highway. Throughout the month of Paglost 1444, while legions began their hunt for unclaimed territory all around the world, death was everpresent not only for legionnaires but all of mortaldom. The month dripped with the blood of Mercinae's Prince Lleu, Hellchaser, Baron Raldon, Baron Ninjawarrior, Skulkarax, Evanlyn, Araseth; Parrians Fenris, Darian, and Ashlanir; and the Thakrian Field Marshall Zio, Prime Minister Mystfade, Belgarath and young Balliol, Cavalier Aerian, and Warlocks Richter and Abaku. In the exchanges, there were over three hundred mortal deaths that had disturbed the ethereal plane, in the month of Paglost alone, and proving to be the highest death toll since the Battlesands Quest for the Divine Pearl, won by Agarwain, on the 3rd Cloudburst 1388 aDW.

Skyelong 1444
29th January 2018

Warfare returns to the land much improved, with minefields removed, distances lengthened and rationalised, days to march between cities, and city forts strengthened

Read More Paglost 1444
27th January 2018

The Thakrian Revolt of 1444. On Mournsend 1444, the eve of warfare, Thakria's citizens held a rare meeting of grievance, a revolt by any other name, against Princess Satsuki, with a headcount of 25 active citizens. It was the largest rebellion since Gaurthang and the first without bloodshed in Thakrian history. Belgarath enumerated negligent, distant, and passive leadership as ills. In the Thakrian Revolt of 1444's second day, Mystfade, a baron and one of two main rebels, targeted Sabapheus and Azarae as part of a deceitful clique made by the Princess. With peerless work in trade and relations, he was supported by his pupil Balliol, Katirina, and Richter, who added they felt no presence from Satsuki. In the Thakrian Revolt of 1444's third day, Aerian attempted levity and deflection, jeered at the two speakers, and criticsed attempts to cause government collapse on the eve of war, while Calagan attempted to diffuse tensions. Satsuki brought a moment's silence by raising that warfare is the real issue. Kruom dashed in, rejecting the appeals to quell by forgetting, just as Zio and Sarvar arrived. Of opposite camps, Zio was the louder with a clinical dissection of worthiness. The Thakrian Revolt of 1444 adjourned six days later. With Mystfade made Prime Minister and Zio the Field Marshall, but the assurance they desired of an aggressive leader was not made. Satsuki left and Zio counseled the remaining Thakrians on the plans for the summer of 1444.

Mournsend 1444

Evanlyn and Skulkarax of the Mystics, and Mysterin and Darian of the Astrologers, had spent many Avalon years carving up the unattended sprawl of the Seers Guild, long neglected by Thavar the Oracle for over a decade. The invasion lasted so long as to see Centre of Thakria Square and all major streets falling under the Mystic stones. Aware of these incursions, Zio, Aerian, Prisma, Mystfade, Richter, and Balliol pressed the Mystics to desist. Disrupt they could but not retake, without a Seer and the City of Miracles proferred one: at the turn of the Hindyear 1443, Maldor the Oracle returned and, with his citymates and newly returned Belgarath, immediately launched a searing offensive for the entire Avalon month to reclaim all of Thakria and its local territory. Today, the stones glow hot throughout the land and the horizon is fretted with the fires of war.

Midsummer 1443
19th January 2018

Mysterin, the Guildmistress of Astrologers and junior priestess of Cornelius, and Veradux, Guildmaster of the Nightblades and worshipper of Geolin, initiated the first Long Night ritual in over 30 years. The Mercinaens were as pigeons, flapping and squawking about its unfairness, disguising their uncertainty as to how they take down the ritual. None had investigated it seriously before and resorted to using the newly returned divine globe powers. Many were heedless of Hyperion's visions and warnings at first. Gnome wars ensued between Thakria and Mercinae, and to no avail, as gnomes were caught and strangled by Veradux. The globes were drained to nothing. Dismayed, Hyperion brought Mercinae's small resistance to a point. Teryn led the charge for the tiller, despite despairing remarks by his citymates. He, severely weakened, was joined by Hellchaser and Lleu, the Prince of Mercinae. Yet Thakria held as strong on the field as the locks on its treasure chambers.

Eleuthral 1442
4th January 2018

Enormous roster of improvements to the realm to usher in the new year: Specialisations all skill ranked and not grandfathered (seniority by effort and investment); economic rebalance on the horizon; warfare and insurrections coming very soon, with seasonal campaigns and movement of legions ten times slower; new Crafting, Industry, Haberdashery, and Carpentry skills now live, with all including Farming and Labours now able to be learned or gained by regular use; Sponsorship reined back with costs brutally enforced and more deeply across accounts only one sponsorship per player; CURRENCY and trinkets are rationalised into a simple, affordable scale; repeatable tasks and performing early novice tasks as a senior permitted, as exposure to arcane knowledge and obtaining lessons/crowns.

Read More Skyelong 1442
31st December 2017

After weeks of quietly planting, growing and chopping the golden mellian tress, Veradux and Mysterin finally build enough pyres and scatter enough ash to empower the Black Sun. The Long Night rains down on the bewildered Mercinae. Hyperion incites the panicked and complaint-ridden losers under his thrall to fight back. A gradual awakening occurs, as the God of Light emerges as the great instigator of passions and justice. The city of Mercinae hears the call, under foot of Thakrian sniping and ambushes. It takes three Avalon years to bring down the Long Night ritual and the pendulum finds itself swung the other way.

Midwinter 1442
23rd December 2017

Genesis and Cornelius release the new Novicehood system of chapter tasks and tutorials, stretching from youth to seniority

Springflower 1440
15th November 2017

Genesis returns to the realm and begins a massive cleanup of the entire realm

Mournsend 1437
15th October 2017

The Queen of Thakria abdicates after months of hinting inability to remain in the realm. A reign of Thakria pre-eminent comes to a close. Mystfade instigates a series of elections, which sees himself replaced in the end too. The reign of Satsuki shortly follows under pretense of the queen's support and a Thakria bereft of action follows, content to please itself behind closed doors and pursue easy victories.

15th August 2017

After nine real months of contest between Dakh, Kerenas, Belgarath, Krystal, Satsuki, Mystfade, and Necrophona, the reigning Princess fulfills her promise of slaying without dying over 100 times. She beats runner-up and fellow order-mate Dakh by 52 additional kills in an unbeaten streak. For slaying only peers larger than themselves, 100 kill streak in a time of guild sanctuary and pool-retreat macros, the contest proved extremely difficult for everyone. Necrophona claims the Fang of Thakria and is crowned Queen, an accolade not seen for over three centuries. She carries on to extend her streak by over 250 kills undefeated against her peers and cements herself in the top ranks of Avalonian fighters. Mercinae resorts to hiding and calling foul behind closed doors.

3rd December 2016

Warfare is disabled across the world pending revisions. Contest for the Fang is called by Necrophona, Princess of Thakria. Any Thakrian may claim the symbolic Fang of Thakria by slaying their peer enemies a hundred times undefeated.

Midwinter 1399
9th March 2016

A backdrop to the battlefield activity is a surge in player vs player melee; Thakria leading the charge against Silverfalls, Mercinae and Parrius all. The Parrians - though arguably successful in their war efforts - are slow to rouse, few of their citizens eager on the battlefield as even city barons stand idle as their citizens go to their deaths. This is a poison in Parrius that must be purged. The year 1398 sees also a number of admissions to the ranks of the True Fighters: Necrophona, Torac and Nieon all edged across the RANKS line to have their names turned red. Positions 8-16 all remain within a few dozen kills.

Hindyear 1398
8th March 2016

No battlefield action has taken place since the large scale battle of March 5th. The weekend passed by in a state of almost total peace as the broken and humiliated Mercinaens licked their wounds and made complaints. Parrians led primarily by Xion and Laramyn spend the lull-time regrouping and rebuilding; reorganising their tribute legions, reconstructing forts, rebuilding much needed war supplies after conflict. Every single Mercinaen fort in the wilds is left dull and unwaxed and globestaves are arranged to erode. Some 20K forts are worn down in advance of potential Parrian retaliation. Complaints are made to Genesis and Elmaethor, delivered by envoys of the broken generals Skulkarax and Vannish. Warfare BB #63 is posted in response to publicly redress the complaints and to establish a historical record. Lleu of Mercinae expresses discontent with the actions of Mercinae and Prince Nighteagle abdicates responsibility to the Gods. The Parrian rebuilding effort continues.

Read More Leaflost 1398
8th March 2016

Mercinae sent out 30K troops on a mission to knock out Knightswood forts and mine up the town, ready to engage Parrian reaction. But not to stand up to it, it seems, as Skulkarax shat his pants when the siege failed (blaming Elmaethor interfering to block use of an exploit). Short engagement was endured then Skulkarax and Vannish were broken and ran home, taking their army back behind city walls. Parrius humiliated Mercinae without breaking sweat (Zio then Xion and then Laramyn with the Parrian legions.

Paglost 1398
1th March 2016

Following the promises of the new Thakrian Princess for 1397 ADW, a revised government brings about an historic strength of purpose and deadly coordination. Belgarath, Charlamane, Necrophona and Gandalph lay daily siege to everyone not Thakrian and outside their homes. The Princess makes good her claims, rocketing up the combat ranks and close to snatching True Fighter by preying on everyone but Laramyn and Vannish; among the dead and butchered by her and her patriots were Jynx, Winterfire, Spectro, Faelynn, Jimrey, Torac, Nighteagle and Skulkarax. The City fills its stalls and builds tremendous fortifications in every part of its domain. The coffers of the city flood with coin and commodities. Calagan leads another heroic year with Satsuki, Necrophona, Belgarath, the young siren Adonis all enlisting 1000s of men and making Thakria dominant in the year's enlistment for the first time.

Midwinter 1397
22nd February 2016

The five captains of Parrius and all the ministers (Xion, Willo, Mnemugg, Laramyn and Ziel, along with Adrienne Minister for PR), and with the approval of Divine Patron Elmaethor, god of the stars, unanimously agree to rule Parrius as a group of equals with no Prince, returning to the ideology of the city as it was post-coup in late 2014.

Read More Skyelong 1396
30th January 2016

Necrophona is crowned Princess of Thakria by assent of the barony and patrons - Calagan, Phaith, Belgarath, Satsuki and Necrophona herself; Cornelius and Xanthe as patrons and all senior Thakrians in attendance. Her promises are bold and by her charismatic words the entire city is enlivened to violent activity.

Eleuthral 1396
26th January 2016

The Appointment of Hyperion, the god of light

Hyperion, the god of Light is appointed by right of apotheosis in an Avalon-wide ceremony at the Rock Pinnacle in which a large majority of the pantheon were in attendance along with 70 total spectators in the audience. There are promises of a militantly good Light realm and immediately the city of Mercinae select Hyperion as their patron by mandate of the barony and Prince Nighteagle.

Read More Agamnion 1396
24th January 2016

The Avalon Quiz returns on January 23rd. The quiz is won by Faelynn, 2nd place Laramyn, 3rd place Mnemugg, 4th place Vannish, 5th place Winterfire. Lleu presides as quizmaster and prizes include a handful of trinkets, fireflies and much gold and lessons in what is widely regarded as a return to form for quiz quality.

Agamnion 1396
23rd January 2016

Parrians launch an ambitious training exercise in which Krystia, Saxxon, Spectro, Faelynn and Ziel are the major players under the direction of Deputy Field Marshall Laramyn, besieging 33000 forts on the river leithe barring access to moonstone lake. 28000 forts are destroyed at a cost of 3000 Parrian men before Necrophona launched a counterattack sending another 4000 Parrians to the river floor. Much battle experience is gained by the Parrians but not without the bitter taste of loss.

Agamnion 1396
24th January 2016

The Battle of the Steppes 1395, Part V

A final attempt is made by Necrophona to resist in the Alzir. Leading over fifteen thousand Thakrians to the river, the Siren engaged general Skulkarax with a cacophonous exchange of mortar bombs, arrow-fire and melee strikes. Five thousand men are slain from each side before the retreat horn is sounded for the final time. The final month of claim goes unanswered and the towns of Ogg and Barholm are subsumed into the Mercinaen sphere. Jynx of Silverfalls is able to raise the flag of his homeland in Culloden and it is noted even by the Gods that Mercinae has begun to regain some of the prominence it enjoyed after the great downfall of Thakria and Mirales in early 2015.

Springflower 1395
16th January 2016

The Battle of the Steppes 1395, Part IV

Battle resumes and the well rested leaders return to the fray. The invasion of Isabella is cancelled and tribute returns to the land. For once, the typically dominating Parrians (Xion, Mnemugg, Spectro and Ziel, later joined by Laramyn) are overmatched by the forces of Mercinae, among them Nieon, Alarius, Vannish and Shakralay with a cameo appearance by Torac. The Parrians manage to secure two thirds of their tribute but the Mercinaens gleefully coerce over a thousand Parrian men into their own barracks.

Cloudburst 1395
15th January 2016

The Battle of the Steppes 1395, Part III

Necrophona returns and immediately assumes control of the Thakrian armies. Cneida, Hugh, Satsuki, Anara and Belgarath accompany her on a campaign to lead several thousand Thakrians to the river Alzir near Isabella in order to mount a resistance. Hundreds die on both sides before a stand off leaves neither willing to continue to engagement with a body of water betwixt the colliding armies. Besieging capabilities are reviewed after a botched attempt by Jynx and Vannish to besiege Isabella - in many ways the ultimate prize for a hungry and emboldened Silverfalls. Exhausted, both sides agree to a brief period of peace to tend their dead and rest their weary bones.

Mournsend 1395
14th January 2016

The Battle of the Steppes 1395, Part II

Belgarath - Sorcerer Master - is able to rally Satsuki and the two senior Thakrians mount a resistance along the streets of Dundalk. Gloomy fog plays a pivotal role in preventing the enemy generals from relaying orders to their troops. In the confusion, shots are exchanged with meagre losses on each side before the Thakrians retreat, satisfied but still under siege. Claims continue in the Steppes as Silverfalls boldly begin to seize the town of Culloden. Further fortifications are destroyed but among the chaos mistakes are made, mines are stepped on, claims are disrupted and exhaustion begins to take its toll. Ogg and Barholm remain under Mercinaen siege and claim, Culloden under that of Silverfalls.

Eleuthral 1395
13th January 2016

The Battle of the Steppes 1395, Part I

Mercinae under Vannish and Skulkarax, accompanied by Jynx of Silverfalls invade the town of Ogg and destroy further fortifications on the jetties. The Mercinaens storm the small fishing village and begin to lay a claim both to Ogg and the southernmost Steppes. With Thakria missing star general Dachnavar and Satsuki the Deputy Field Marshall "in charge in absentia" while Field Marshall Necrophona vacations, the city of miracles' response is negliglbe and the Mercinae/Silverfalls axis are allowed to press further into Dundalk and Culloden. Several thousand Thakrians are slain in further sieges as a result of negligent deployment and craven inaction. Losses so far include six thousand Thakrians, four thousand Silverfallians, 7000 Mercinaens and approximately fifty thousand fortifications.

Midwinter 1395
12th January 2016

A furious Cornelius wields rage and razor-tongue to castigate all of Thakria; condemning their lacklustre willpower and cowardice without bounds. None are spared the indignation of the Void-Lord who demands a renewed period of bravery, dominance and excellence for all Thakrians.

January 2016

Warfare returns to the land and the first blood is shed. It is Thakrian blood, spilt on the Steppes northeast of Silverfalls, where a small fort protected their mighty claims. Parrian catapults and rams, Mercinaen minehunters and generals on each side (among them Xion, Laramyn, Willo and Ziel of Parrius, Alarius, Vannish and Skulkarax of Mercinae), lay siege to the demesne of Thakria. With no serious Thakrian resistance, there is danger to the empire for the towns of Ogg, Barholm and Culloden are left exposed by the Parrian assault.

Early January 2016

The land enters a brief period of peace, a respite from the travails of war throughout which the ever-anxious cities plot and plan and ready their forces for war's inevitable return. The Winter Solstice heralds the giving of gifts by a mystical stranger to all present in the land.

Late December 2015

Thakrian military activity lights the powder keg of war in the land once again. The city of the west enters a triple headed battle between three Field Marshalls while Parrius turns up the heat on their own military excursions; drafting a series of juniors into the military and beginning an ambitious preparatory endeavour to secure their borders for impending war. It is not yet known where the blow of the cutlass will fall.


After an intensive 6 Avalon months of nonstop pressure from Thakria on the Steppes, Barholm, Ogg and the Alzir fall from Silverfallian and Mercinaen hands after a large battle between the three Field Marshalls. Since then, Thakria continues to build great walls on the border of its new dominion. Numerous brief attempts to resist or punish the Thakrians by Jynx, Lleu and later Vannish are countered by attritional defence warfare devised by Field Marshall Necrophona and overseen by Dachnavar, the new Thakrian Colonel.

Mournsend 1393

Parrius place claiming legions on the northern rivers covering Thakria, Mercinae and Silverfalls soil - a triple incursion against the three other cities. The city of the east places several divisions within the eastern Silverfalls barbican to blockade any retaliation. Strongbow and Lamron are the only two Silverfallians with the spine to respond - even in the face of a remote order by Prince Quinn to "stand down" - a far cry from his dogged tenacity shown earlier this year - and, rallying 3500 Templars and 2000 Silverfallian troops, Strongbow bravely marched out, slaying some 600 Parrians but losing 4000 of his own by dint of inexperience in field command and no instructions left by the Silverfalls leadership.

Midwinter 1391

As the green leaves of Summer began to change to the gold and red colors of Autumn, the Animists and Druids guilds set aside their differences to once again form a united guild under the leadership of Maud, Forestmistress of the Animists. She was ably assisted in this endeavor by Anaalia, former guildmistress of the Druids as well as a multitude of Animists and Druids from each guild. Each of the Forests of Avalon blessed this union and all of nature rejoiced as the Heartbeat of the Forest was made whole once more.

Read More Ilmarael 1390
November 2015

Lukien, Jimrey, Sajora, Fenris, Ithikul, Moradin and even Prince Quinn of Silverfalls adopt the duellist status in protest to dying repeatedly to Thakrian citizens. The world jeers at them, rebukes and caustic remarks flung past young ears, succeeded by an evening of grotesque excuses. Such gutless and feeble honour among fighters has rarely been witnessed.

Mournsend 1390
2nd November 2015

Laramyn of the Warriors is the first non-native to learn the Herbs skill as one of the four agreed upon tutees of the Druid profession.

1st November 2015

All Hallows weekend is celebrated for the first time with a myriad of grotesque shapes, forms and transformations. The land's morale is high yet violent in the midst of astral ghosts, decomposing zombies, emaciated vampires and fascist pumpkins raining death upon the land.

Read More 1389
31st October - 1st November 2015

Avalon's twenty sixth anniversary.

28th October 2015

Thakria bursts into a violent maelstrom of activity -- the devil of Avalon awoken. Historically, no city, even Thakria itself, has known such vibrant, diverse and constant action since this day. The actions of citizens in warfare, combat, wealth and adventure; Seers in stones, Thieves on locks and theft; the Brigands in the forests and the new guild Sirens blooming with the flow of enemy blood... The world indeed began to feel the bootsteps of thousands and the banners to the west, in answer to the East, began to wave.

Hindyear 1389
28th October 2015

The retreated Silverfallians appear to abandon the towns of Nassau and Morgana's Rise, gainsaying any suggestions of reprisal or retaliation. The claiming Parrians alongside their exhausted generals see out the entire month undisturbed and raise their flags in victorious conquest.

Ilmarael 1389
25th October 2015

Forest burnings continue, the rampage of the Sorcerers showing little sign of conclusion. The Animists rally under the encouragement of Sylvanus, god of the earth and steadfastly replant the forests and raise a thousand fallen trees in the wake of the seemingly endless onslaught.

Ongoing 1389
October 2015

Parrius under Agarwain, Laramyn, Xion and Solxor invade the villages of Morgana's Rise and Nassau, adopting a new claiming strategy of utilising groups of 100 troops armed (unexpectedly) for battle. The month of Midsummer is a quiet one though two attempts are made first by Quinn and then by Lukien to destroy the Parrian invasion force. Two thousand Silverfallian troops are slain in the attempt, Lukien able to disrupt but a single claiming legion and in doing so inadvertently sealing off Silverfalls access to the town of Nassau.

Midsummer 1389
24th October 2015

The Sorcerers demand knowledge of herb-lore from the Animists and are enraged when they are refused. Thus begins a systematic campaign by Threap, Charlamane and Belgarath to burn every forest in the land and render countless herbs and poisons extinct.

Ongoing 1389
October 2015

Agarwain is the first non-native to learn the Poisons skill as Calagan, ancient and veteran thief and politician imparts the knowledge of deadly flora.

Cloudburst 1389

Herbs and Poisons are shifted into the 'taught general' category allowing Druids to teach the former and Thieves/Rangers/Druids to teach the latter to anyone - not only these professions. This is the only method of acquisition for the 'everyman' and the professions begin to close ranks and face down a bombardment of requests from outsiders to learn their skills.

Eleuthral 1389

Mere days later, Parrius return to the gates of Silverfalls with a further division of oil-cauldron-laden siegetowers. The burning is a deadly affair, melting away another thousand Silverfallians while Agarwain marches a second legion into Oakwood's End with a view to break the claim. The ever-cautious Quinn retreats all Silverfallian forces from Oakwood's End and flees before a single shot is exchanged.


Necrophona, Field Marshall of Thakria launches resistance against the Silverfalls invasion of Oakwood's End. Several hundred Silverfalls men are slain before the Siren is eventually overwhelmed by the superior numbers. Thakria retreats.


Silverfalls begin an invasion against the township of Oakwood's End using a series of tunnels. A thousand Thakrian troops are slain while collecting tribute and the Silverfalls legionnaires begin to lay claim to the town.


Parrius retaliate against the Ariadne incursion by leading siegetowers of flaming oil to the gates of Silverfalls itself. Small damage is done and the nose of the Silverfalls Prince is bloodied before the Parrians depart, satisfied.


Lukien, Prime Minister of Silverfalls makes a guerilla invasion into the town of Ariadne with a group of 2000 troops. The legionnaires engage 12000 idle tribute collecting Parrians, slaying 2000 before Parrius can respond. Xion of the Artisans reacts but Lukien retreats in the face of active opposition.


Elmaethor hosts the quests for the divine Pearl of Stars. Agarwain is victorious, beating Zio, Solxor and Charlamane after a gruelling eight hour series of sands quests in one of the bloodiest gem quests of the modern age.

Midsummer 1388

The villages, towns and hermitages across the world reveal in their lofts vast stores of commodities; the world trade markets are caught in a merchant deluge signifying the return of world trade.

Cloudburst 1387

Charlamane permanently closes the Necromancers Guild, ejecting an array of milquetoast Silverfallian members while he himself moves to Thakria and the Sorcerers. The Sorcerer profession is united once more under one guild.

Eleuthral 1387

Silverfalls invade the town of Isabella, intent on destroying as many Thakrians as they can in a surprise sneak attack. Satsuki, Prime Minister of Thakria is able to rally half the Thakrian forces home but not before over two thousand legionnaires are slain.

Cloudburst 1386
5th September 2015

The Curiosity Shops shift their general purpose goods into micro-purchases and introduce a series of trinkets - artifacts with useful powers of convenience.

Eleutheral 1386
2nd September 2015

Proteus, god of the sea issues a RAGE contest to Elmaethor, the two battling in the skies as the sea-god bellows that the tide has turned. In the wake of the contest, Proteus announces he is departing to the ends of the seas for two Avalon years.

Midwinter 1386
2nd September 2015

Agarwain becomes Prince of Parrius by unanimous vote as Xion steps down to become the first Cardinal of the God of Stars. A new chapter in Parrian history is promised as the two declare their intent to conquer the world and spread the flag of the Crossed Cutlasses through all lands.

Hindyear 1385
27th August 2015

Thakria under Necrophona organise a field training exercise for its many cadets. The youths Chiaroscruo, Zand, Arkturus, Willo and Azoth launch a daring campaign into the Steppes hoping to seize further territory. Mistakes are made however and several Thakrians are lost to the Silverfallian banners under Fenris, Quinn and Lukien. Phaith of the Cavaliers arrives at the eleventh hour to direct a last minute retreat, saving a thousand of the original four thousand Thakrians.

Mournsend 1385
20th August 2015

With Nassau left strongly fortified and set to claim, an exhausted Parrius dare to sleep, confident in their future acquisition. Silverfalls led by Quinn and Field Marshall Sloane utilise their experience navigating fortifications to counter-invade Nassau, slaying the claiming Parrians where they stood and returning the town to their own state of occupation.

Eleuthral 1385
19th August 2015

Parrians under Agarwain, Laramyn and Xion unearth long forgotten tunnels and invade the village of Nassau, setting deadly oil cauldrons and burning two thousand Silverfallian troops to death before staking a claim to the riverside village.

Midwinter 1385
17th August 2015

Silverfalls stealthily claim the village of Eleuthera under their flag and declare occupational conquest. Is it unclear whether this is an oversight by super power Parrius or part of a longer term plan.

Leaflost 1384
6th August 2015

Lukien, Shadovar and Zio all depart Thakria and the voice of Ashvani persuades Mae to follow suit. Returning the commodities she finds refuge in Silverfalls, the Apostles and the Order of the Moon. An enraged Elmaethor confronts Zio and demands the return of the 500,000 gold pieces the former Prince stole from the city's treasury.

Skyelong 1384
5th August 2015

The Gods uncover the theft before it can be completed and Mae is summoned to an audience with Cornelius and Xanthe, Patrons of Thakria and Elmaethor, Patron of Parrius. The Lords of Void and Stars lay the defecting Sorceress's choices bare; swear an eternal oath to Thakria or return the commodities and never set foot in the city again.

Skyelong 1384
5th August 2015

Conspiracy rocks the city of Thakria!

Zio steps down as Prince of Thakria in the wake of an internal theft and conspiracy, taking half a million gold with him! Lukien and Shadovar manipulate young Mae of the Sorcerers into subtly draining Thakria of crucial commodities before the three depart the city for shores anew.

Skyelong 1384
5th August 2015

The turn of the new year sees both Thakria and Parrius promised enormous tributes by their vassal villages. Competition heats up like never before as all four cities battle fiercely for military enlistments.

Midwinter 1384
2nd August 2015

Ashvani, goddess of the moon returns to Avalon, attracting both a gaggle of new followers and the immediate ire of Xanthe, the goddess of vengeance. In the midst of obeisance, the orders of Vengeance and Moon clashed in the Isabella temple while in the Heavens, the two deities did battle.

Cloudburst 1383
19th July 2015

Zio, Droxon and Calagan of the thieves orchestrate and execute an invasion of the Thakrian branch of the Assassins Guild. Over six thousand assassin troops are murdered in their barracks and the guildhall is razed entirely after the plundering of the Thieves. The Assassins under new guildmaster Borrak re-establish themselves within Silverfalls in retreat.

Mournsend 1383

Silverfalls launch guerilla war campaigns against the cities of Thakria and Parrius. The two superpowers lose over twenty thousand troops to the surgical strikes made by the meagre 5000 Silverfallian legionnaires, igniting war in the north anew.

Leaflost 1382

The town of Knightswood is formally occupied and plundered by Parrian armies who destroy hundreds of buildings. In the wake of the destruction, the former high-profile town is demoted to village status.

Hindyear 1382

The Sirens Guild is founded from the Thakrian Bard contingent under the mastery of Necrophona. The Sirens make their home in Thakria on the shore of Moonstone Lake and are the first new professional guild built within Thakrian walls for over five hundred years.

Mournsend 1382
7th July 2015

Thakria formalises their occupation and invasion of the towns of Thaumacie and Goblin Town, each promising enormous tributes to their conquerors.

Agamnion 1381
4th July 2015

The Gods announce three further divine gem quests to be held over Summer 2015; The Cornelian of Evil, The Ruby of War and The Moonstone of Justice.

Leaflost 1381
2nd July 2015

Elmaethor, god of the stars unearths the Divine Palantir; prophesying War of incalculable magnitude and promising bloodshed heretofore unknown to the land.

Leaflost 1381
2nd July 2015

Agarwain, The Firebrand is successful in the quest for the divine onyx of Maedhros Allendil. The quest is noted by competitors as having been one of the most challenging and thrilling in recent memory and the Gods tell of more to come.

Skyelong 1381
27th June 2015

In the midst of Thakria's invasion of Thaumacie, Mercinaen General and lifelong Alchemist Lleu leads a force of five thousand Mercinaens through the southwestern mountains. From their foothold in the Thaumacian peaks, the Mercinaens launch a deadly precision strike; slaughtering over half the Thakrians stationed in the dwarf town before retreating.

Paglost 1381
26th June 2015

Thakrian troops invade Thaumacie, led by Necrophona, Zio and Satsuki. Thousands of legionnaires under the banner of the Crescent Moon vanquish Mercinaen forces and begin to occupy the dwarven homeland.

Springflower 1381
25th June 2015

Thakria, with legions led by Zio Prince of Thakria, razes to the ground the first ever divine temple - Ashvani, goddess of the moon. Thakrians danced around the flames of the witch hunt, burning effigies of the goddess and cursing her name.

Agamnion 1381
June 2015

Elmaethor, god of the stars assumes patronage of Parrius, bellowing to the land an ominous prophecy of soon to come world war. To celebrate, Parrians sail the Black Galleon and wreak havoc on the land.

Hindyear 1380 aDW
17th June 2015

Alarius becomes Prince of Mercinae with the approval of all five barons.

Mournsend 1380 aDW
8th June 2015

Enlivened by their combative victories over Mercinae, Thakrian troops led by Zio and Satsuki begin to invade Goblin Town. The underground citadel's fortifications are soon breached as the Mercinaen generals are kept from marching by the violent Thakrians.

Eleuthral 1380 aDW
7th June 2015

After a month of relentless slaughter, Zio of Thakria is victorious in the quest for The Fang. Before all high government of Thakria and the gods of Time, Stars, Vengeance and Void, Zio claims The Fang and in doing so, becomes Prince of Thakria.

Midwinter 1380 aDW
7th June 2015

Proteus, god of the sea hosts an immortal combat tournament. Joely is victorious in a close contest.

Read More 1379 aDW
31st May 2015

A ceasefire is hastily arranged between Parrius and Silverfalls to discuss the fate of Kristanisti. Sensing defeat, Quinn and Joely of Silverfalls agree to surrender Kristanisti to Parrius in exchange for three years of mutual peace.

Agamnion 1378
Late May 2015

The village of Kristanisti - historically an epicentre of military conflict - is invaded by Parrius under Agarwain and Laramyn with a force of ten thousand soldiers. The Parrians slay a thousand Silverfallian troops and begin to lay siege to the village's fortifications.

Leaflost 1378
Late May 2015

The Gauntlet Challenge returns to Avalon with rumours that the towns of Kenkria, Thaumacie and Goblin Town have all grown in strength and riches.

Read More 1378
May 2015

In the middle of the night, Thakrian troops under Zio and Satsuki foray down the Great North Road in the direction of Goblin Town. The two senior Thakrians meet an unexpected resistance from Silverfalls, resulting in hours of violent clashing after which the Thakrians were forced to retreat.

Hindyear 1378
May 2015

The Fang of Thakria appears in the city's central square. Cornelius, god of the void proclaims, "Look upon your enemies with bleeding eyes and tear out their hearts. The Thakrian to claim this, my prize of the city, will receive the Fang of Thakria! Let the massacre of Mercinae begin", beginning a competition among Thakrians over who can slay the most Mercinaens and become Thakria's preeminent combatant.

Agamnion 1377
May 2015

Amarwath and Drache of the Animists guild are married in a quiet ceremony presided over by Sylvanus, god of the earth. The Earth Lord gifts Amarwath with pregnancy.

Leaflost 1377
May 2015

Parrius takes advantage of Mercinae's war with Thakria. Agarwain and Xion march 10,000 Parrian soldiers into Coriona with the intent of seizing the village for themselves. After a protracted battle with Illyism and his Mercinaens, Parrius claimed victory but at a cost of 8000 of their best troops.

1377 aDW
May 2015

Elmaethor, god of the stars heralds the start of Ordination XII with the sapphire gem quest. Illyism, Bard and Field Marshall of Mercinae is successful after six rounds of battle-sands contests.

Read More 1377 aDW
2nd May 2015

The Fall of Goblin Town

Mercinae continues to press their advantage against the weakened City of Miracles; invading Goblin Town and routing the Thakrian legions stationed there. Within two months, Goblin Town falls to the might of Mercinae for the first time in mortal memory.

1375 aDW

The Liberation of Thaumacie

Mercinae successfully invades and liberates the dwarven citadel of Thaumacie from Thakrian influence; claiming the town for their own for the first time in over two hundred years.

1375 aDW
April 2015

Silverfalls under Dankus reclaims the villages of Kristanisti, Morgana's Rise and Ogg while Mercinae stakes claim to Eleuthera, severely weakening Thakria's grip on the northern continent.

1375 aDW
March 2015

The Battle for Kristanisti

Silverfalls and Mercinae join forces to repel the Thakrian armies concentrated on the rivers between Ogg and Kristanisti. Generals Mirales, Elweth and Necrophona are overwhelmingly defeated by the allied forces, losing some twenty thousand Thakrian troops in the battle.

1375 aDW
March 2015

Elmaethor, god of the stars announces the start of Ordination XII by scheduling the sapphire gem quest

Read More 1375 aDW
March 2015

Thakria under Mirales and Elweth launch an aggressive military campaign against Silverfalls; claiming seven villages into their sphere of influence and threatening further action.

1375 aDW
March 2015

Malhavok, god of the storm assumes patronage of Mercinae after Proteus' involvement in the Knightswood situation.

Read More 1374 aDW
March 2015

Proteus, god of the sea seizes all of Knightswood's treasure and hands it over to Mercinae. Elmaethor, god of the stars reasons with the sea-god and restores Knightswood's riches, smashing down the town's fortifications to allow Parrius and Mercinae to clash over the fate of the land's wealthiest village.

Midsummer 1374 aDW
March 2015

Parrius invades the town of Knightswood and begins to plunder its rich storerooms; defying an earlier edict by Proteus, god of the sea not to assail the town.

Skyelong 1374 aDW
March 2015

Divine Realm Changes - Cornelius, the god of magic casts aside his original realm in favour of the Void and Malhavok god of doom, thwarted by Tyranis god of war in his efforts to wrangle the War realm seized the Storm instead. If his choice is prophetic, Malhavok god of the storm and Tyranis god of war may be on a collision course...

Read More 1373
February 2015

As a consequence of the Rite of Union, all of the Mage roots in the land are reset; enabling Mage professionals to expand their power in previously overrun territory.

Read More Springflower 1372 aDW
February 2015

Genesis, the god of time seals the union between Cornelius, the god of magic and Xanthe, the goddess of Vengeance by presiding over the Rite of Union. All of the martyred fractal souls are returned to their bodies and promised great boons in the days to come. All deities present surrender icons of themselves unto the Divine Couple as gifts.

Read More Springflower 1372 aDW
February 2015

Whispers of a military clash in Knightswood sweep the continent; Mercinae and Parrius at their fore. Proteus, god of sea claims the town as his own; threatening to destroy any conquering armies intent on plundering Knightswood's commodity stores.

Read More Ilmarael 1371 aDW
February 2015

Sylvanus, god of the earth presides over the Rite of the Entwined Spirit; the penultimate Rite in the Divine Wedding.

Read More 1371 aDW
February 2015

Elmaethor, god of the stars presides over the Rite of Sacrament between the Divine Couple; this Rite allows the orders of Magic and Vengeance to communicate more deeply with one another. A further four souls martyr themselves as fractals.

Read More 1370 aDW
January 2015

Malhavok, god of doom returns to Avalon after an absence of many years.

1370 aDW
January 2015

Proteus, god of the sea presides the Rite of Flame between Cornelius, the god of magic and Xanthe, the goddess of vengeance. The first mortals souls are allowed to martyr themselves and take on a new, fractal form.

Read More 1370 aDW
January 15

Genesis, the god of time presides over the Rite of Pronouncement; the first in the wedding of Cornelius, the god of magic and Xanthe, the goddess of vengeance and both become joint patrons of the city of Thakria.

Read More 1370
Jan. 15

Cornelius, the god of magic announces that there is to be a Divine Wedding - the first ever seen in Avalon - between himself and Lady Xanthe, the goddess of vengeance.

Read More
Dec. 14

Damocles, the god of chaos takes over patronage of Parrius in a woeful and moribund state. In a peaceful coup d'etat the entire government is swept aside by a group made up of new ambition and old stalwarts.

Read More17th of Springflower 1368
Dec. 14

Ashvani, goddess of the moon, resigns patronage of Parrius and in doing so, accepts patronage of Silverfalls for the second time.

Read More Hindyear 1365

Divine Ordination of Elmaethor, god of the Stars, from Salvador the Warlock.

4th of Hindyear 1365 aDW
November 2014

Avalon's 25th Anniversary

November 2014

Genesis announces there will be a High God Appointment, pending ratification by Olympus, where the realm of Earth will be claimed for the first time in history. Elmak the Ranger claims the earth realm and ascends to become Sylvanus, the god of the earth.

Ilmarael 1363 aDW
November 2014

Andromeda, goddess of dreams, after losing patronage of Silverfalls, is struck down by Ashvani, goddess of the moon, and the mortal spirit cast from the deity back to her original forms. The avatar of Andromeda is returned to Olympus, until the true soul of Andromeda returns to re-awaken dreams in Avalon.

Eleuthral 1361
Aug 14

Thakria under Salvador select Cornelius, the god of magic as their divine patron; promising a re-awakening of ancient Thakrian ideals and founding precepts.

Read More Hindyear 1357
July 14

Meetplace.net created as a communication site for Avalon down-times, private groups, character diaries, and other features.

Skyelong 1354

The earth trembles as Cornelius, the god of magic, declares an edict and a warning across the land: 'New blood, old blood, blood remixed and tainted, shining night and bright night twixt Magic blend. The Old Ways I wake and will defend!'

Eleuthral 1354
Apr 14

Sebastian, keeper of the scrolls, renounces his Omnipotent status to become available as a patron in the lands and claims the realm of prophecy.

Springflower 1352
Mar 14

Sulisia, the goddess of revelation, retracts her divine status to embrace mortality once more.

Midwinter 1352
Mar 14

Salvador is admitted to the ranks of the True Avalonians; a ceremonial honour last bestowed by Genesis 425 Avalon years prior.

Read More 1348
Jan 14

Genesis, the god of time hosts the quest for the divine Sapphire using the Battle-sands format; Elmak, paradigm ranger is narrowly victorious over Salvador.

Read More 1348
Jan 14

Sponsorship system activated to make subscription gifts based on merit/potential/historical worth possible.

Springflower 1346
Dec 13

Ashvani, goddess of the moon, gives birth to Fyuree (a mortal girl) and divine offspring, Validar and identical twin, Elodin. The children are fathered by Aldaron, the god of Life.

Mournsend 1341
Sep 13

Sulisia, goddess of light, embraces a new realm which more closely identifies with her ideals, becoming Sulisia, goddess of revelation.

Read More Hindyear 1328
Mar 13

Andromeda, goddess of dreams, is inhabited by the spirit of a mortal, for a time.

Feb 13

The State Ministry's role is restructured to now be responsible for CIVIC SERVICES, to address the former overlap of roles between State and Trade.

Cloudburst 1316
Sep 12

Genesis, the god of time runs the quest for the divine Diamond. The quest is controversial and Narl of the thieves and Catyrial of the Cavaliers are accused of cheating. The quest is eventually won by Seraphima after divine ruling demanded the final rounds be repeated.

Read More 1314
Jul 12

Tyranis, god of war holds the quest for the divine Cornelian; Plaman is victorious in a last-second steal.

Read More 1312
Jul 12

Ceasefire between Silverfalls and Parrius, of note is that 'huorns' were prior used in SOI warfare.

Midwinter 1309
May 12

Templars Guild

The Templars Guild, born from the ashes of the Paladins Guild, is opened in the young city of Silverfalls.

Read More Midsummer 1305
Apr 12

The 2nd Centennial Women of Avalon Calendar is released by Don Tukar of Knightswood.

Midwinter 1300
Jan 12

Divine Appointment of Ashvani, goddess of the moon from Chasity the Craftmaster. Sulisia, goddess of light is ordained from Orielle the Loremistress, taking over the realm historically held by Apollo, the god of light.

Midsummer 1298
Nov 11

Elmak is granted citizenship of Gant by merit and wit, and learns some of the secrets of the fabled city.

Paglost 1298

The City of Silverfalls is declared a city in full by divine mandate, having fulfilled all requirements for city status. This action ends the armistice treaty between Silverfalls and Thakria.

18th of Eleuthral 1293
Oct 11

Parrius and Mercinae renew former treaty for an additional 10 years, until 1300.

Eleuthral 1291
Sep 11

Eleusis, after 136 years of being under Thakrian control, is liberated by the city of Parrius with a force of 30,000 troops, and given their independence.

Cloudburst 1290
Aug 11

After the historic bonds between city and guild began to be estranged, the Bards guild re-located to the city of Knightswood, and opened an additional chapterhouse in Parrius. Failing years of negotations, the move is finalized by the city of Mercinae's reallocation of the bards' former chapterhouse for the Wizards guild. Smithies across Avalon's villages expand their wares to include templates for the crafting skillset.

Springflower 1281
Apr 11

Common laborers and farmers discover the benefits of working in groups. Whistling, humming or singing while you work does not improve the quality of the output.

Paglost 1280
Mar 11

Proteus, god of the sea runs the quest for the Coral of the Sea. The torchquest is introduced for the first time and Catyrial of Thakria claims victory.

Eleuthral 1277 aDW
Feb 11

Genesis, the god of time presides over the quest for the Ruby of War. After twenty rounds of sands quests of varying rules, Salvador prevails over Elmak and claims the gem.

Hindyear 1275 aDW
Jan 11

Thanatos hosts the quest for the divine Moonstone of Justice. Salvador is eventually victorious after a dozen rounds of sands quests.

Cloudburst 1275 aDW
Jan 11

Springdale razed and its existence as a city purged from the land. In a treaty between Thakria and former Springdale, terms are outlined for the creation of a new city in its place, Silverfalls. The landscape of the continent is permanently changed. In a curious coincidence, the hunchback who ran the historic wolfhound races moved his entire operation to behind Thakrian walls around the same time.

Leaflost 1268
Oct 10

Genesis formalizes the AFFAIRS and TRIBUTES related to warfare.

Midwinter 1262
Jun 10

In the interests of peace, a 25-year treaty (lasting until 1290) is signed between the Councils of Mercinae and Parrius. In the same year, Thakria and Mercinae sign a ceasefire treaty, and assume control of all lands from Thakria to Mercinae's northern gate.

Aug 10

Parrius under Salvador and Seraphima invades Mercinae, destroying numerous buildings and shops before a cease-fire is called.

Jul 10

Parrius begins an aggressive military campaign against Springdale, seizing Ariadne and Kristanisti.

May 10

Thanatos begins the new ordination round by questing the Malachite of Fate; Trakea is victorious.

Jan 10

Realmpowers and the Faer Battleground introduced to Avalon.

Midwinter 1252
Jan 10

Telemachus and Thanatos, deities from across the sea of time, discard their realms of justice and darkness (respectively) choosing instead the realms of Wisdom and Death, and gain full stature in the pantheon of Olympus.

Leaflost 1249

Divine Ordination of Aethon, the Sun-God, from Edgtho the Knight.

Read More Mournsend 1249
Dec 09

Avalon's 20th Anniversary

Eleuthral 1247
11-Nov 09

Mercinae and Parrius sign 25-year treaty by right of conquest, Parrius gains SOI on highway and eastern gate of Mercinae. For the duration of the treaty, the City of Mercinae is henceforth known as Mercinae, City of the Phoenix, and its flag is changed to a phoenix in flight.

Skyelong 1238
Jul 09

Mercinae is invaded by Parrius under Dunccan and Orielle. The Parrians destroy 2/3 of Mercinae's army and meet little resistance.

Jul 09

Parrius and Springdale declare 10-year SOI treaty defining the lesser waterways of Timmin, Callieton, and Lake Thrullmere as natural boundaries between the cities, in preparation for warfare being restored.

Mournsend 1230
Mar 09

Farmers are guided in the care and keeping of pastoral creatures, an addition to address the lack of mounts, and leather and wool shortages.

Midsummer 1227
Jan 09

Expansion of land's capacity to enable the use of trenches, towers and tunnels in future warfare.

Hindyear 1222
Nov 08

Mining, ores and related construction restored to Avalon.

Midsummer 1221
Oct 08

Avalon server migration.

Cloudburst 1215
Jul 08

Loremasters around Avalon discover that 'distilling' essence vastly improves batches of potions.

Mournsend 1215
Jul 08

Madam Qey opens an inn and brothel at the docklands of Mercinae to some controversy.

Eleuthral 1215
Jul 08

The village of Knightswood is purchased by Don Tukar for the princely sum of 3M, and will see major expansions under new leadership.

Springflower 1214

For the first time in Avalon's history, the Great Library of Alessandria is fully opened, welcoming scholars and all who wish to learn and explore the powers of the golden isle.

Paglost 1205
Feb 08

Well-being is now impacted by a proper diet. Desserts included.

Midsummer 1204
Feb 08

Divine Ordination of Loki, god of Fire, from Kodiak the Loremaster. Tyranis, the god of War is appointed from Zenichiro the Loremaster.

Mournsend 1203
Jan 08

Guild leaders are now able to define their ideals and reputations.

Paglost 1202
Jan 08

The 1st Centennial Women of Avalon Calendar is released by Don Tukar of Knightswood.

Leaflost 1200
Dec 07

Divine Globes of Avalon become active in the four cities of Avalon.

Mournsend 1199
Nov 07

Within the forests of Avalon, a new faction of forest dwellers emerges, the Druids.

Midsummer 1194
Sep 07

The great Dragon of Sapience wakens to destroy crops, steal commodities for its treasure cave, and darken the skies in flight.

Midwinter 1194
Sep 07

Fatalus purchases the village of Oakwood's End.

Springflower 1188

Azrili fields declared property of the Animists guild, by agreement of the four cities of Avalon. Contentions from minor towns made.

Agamnion 1184
Apr 07

Guild apprenticeships now have a badge system to guide new members on their journey to becoming full guild membership.

Paglost 1180
Feb 07

Character descriptions implemented in Avalon. Now we can all see what we look like a little bit clearer.

Eleuthral 1167

First-ever Black Pirate Tournament encourages Parrian civic pride in a contest of arms amongst their peers.

Hindyear 1166

Divine patrons can once again be appointed by cities. Cardinals return as a position in city government.

Eleuthral 1162

Stabling introduced to allow loyal steeds a safe place to rest while their owners are absent from the lands.

Hindyear 1161
Apr 06

Diocletian, First Mariner of Parrius and Eloire, Princess of Springdale, sign a 15-year peace treaty returning the forest and river territory around Callieton to Parrius' control and mutual non-interference with pacifist comms activities.

Cloudburst 1157

Genesis introduces a protective death-sheen aura for those recently deceased.

Leaflost 1154

Battle for Eleusis

Thakria and Mercinae battle for control over the village of Eleusis, wails are heard throughout the walls of Mercinae for the 4000 men who died in the futile attempt to seize control.

Ilmarael 1154

Necromancers Guild closed by Divine Mandate.

Midsummer 1154
Jan 06

Maedhros Allendil, the Hunter returns to Avalon.

Midwinter 1152

Avalonians find after their daily exertions they are now unusually thirsty.

Cloudburst 1151

The Sceptre of the Night

Competition for the Sceptre of the Night begins after the Loremasters magick it from the guildhouse of the Paladins.


Temple pilfered!

Nostradamus brands the paladin Finbar a 'dead man walking' for the theft of priceless possessions within his inner sanctum. The branding sparks fire between the gods of darkness and his nemesis, Apollo, the god of Light. It was whispered at the time that Nostradamus planted roots in the forests.

Cloudburst 1148

Thieves Guild opens Former Bandit

Plaman breaks away from the Bandits guild to form the Thieves Guild, loyal to the city of Thakria.

Hindyear 1147

Sebastian, Keeper of the Scrolls introduced to Avalon.

Paglost 1142

Necromancers Guild reopened by request of Genesis, god of Time.

Midwinter 1142

Theft of Divine Gems!

Narissa broke into the Storerooms of Olympus and stole the Divine Coral, Moonstone, Opal, Amber, Cornelian, Diamond, Sapphire, Topaz, which she threw over the Rocky Prominitory, and saved the Divine Emerald and Amethyst as souvenirs, actions which hailed her as a living legend amongst thieves and incited Olympus to retaliation.

Hindyear 1138

Avalon's 15th Anniversary!

Midsummer 1125
Nov 04

Concept of Microcosm

Introduced Genesis the god of Time issues a new mandate on the principles of battle after numerous months of debate over the definition of sadism. In the oncoming months duelling is revived as the civil form of combat.

Cloudburst 1124

Kodiak Wall constructed in Thakria to boost security of the Imperial Palace along Moonstone Lake.

Midsummer 1123
Sept 04

Stranger from the north delivers foreboding prophesy

The floodgate of Evil has been opened, and the Light doth weakens, the Night of Shadows is coming, the futhre is unforeseen, Hope shall be forgotten, Spared shall be but few, the great battle arises, Time will speak then end, but whose end is unknown.


Construction of Modern Libraries

Public libraries built in Thakria, Springdale as Booklore is introduced, Maud appointed as the first Librarian of Avalon.


Olympians organizes first-ever Avalon Olympics.


Malhavok, the god of War is ordained from Xandamere the Thief.

Springflower 1115

Aldaron, the god of Life, returns to Avalon.


Relics Discovered!

Numerous relics of the guilds of Avalon are found scattered across the land and inspire learning past previously known heights.


Several renowned Parrians ousted from their city on charges of conspirary to overthrow the government.

Hindyear 1102

Brigands Guild Resurrected

Dissatisfied with the Rangers guild he supported for years, Ender led a small band of bears from the guild and formed the Brigands under the boughs of the G'harran.


The death of Andromeda, the goddess of dreams In the passing of time a dream dies and Avalon goes on.


25-year Treaty established between Thakria and Springdale

Along with reparations, Prophets prevened from far attack, bonding enemy locations in Thakria. Orinoko and Finbar are stripped of their baronial posts and Rhapsody, Princess of Springdale, accepts terms.

Hindyear 1091

Genesis introduces city schools to the four cities as a means of furthering overall education.

Hindyear 1090

Springdale suffers defeat at the hand of Thakria

Under the guidance of Nostradamus, god of Darkness, Springdale's forces are now non-existant and leadership sues for peace while the city is razed. The Stag, while admitting defeat, refuses to bend its head and swear fealty to the City of Miracles.

Mournsend 1090

Cease-fire between Thakria, Corionans, and the Loremasters.

Cloudburst 1088

Long Night lifted Members of the Loremasters guild surprisingly step out and lift Long Night.


Brigantia, goddess of Life, returns to Avalon.


Genesis oversees treaty to end Thakrian-Mercinaen War

Under terms, Mystics guild prevented from far attack, location bonding in Thakria. Mercinaens also required to appeal to Lord Apollo, god of Light, for the removal of his temple from Thakria. Treaty ratified on behalf of their cities by Herbie of Mercinae and Ender of Thakria.


Treaty between Thakria and Parrius

Thakria required to withdraw troops from Parrian walls in a 15-year treaty to end in 1098. Astrologers prevented from far attack, location bonding in Thakria. Treaty ratified on behalf of their cities by Zheredan of Parrius and Ender of Thakria.


Thakia marches on Parrius.

Midsummer 1082

Mercinae Invades Thakria

Mercinae launches a timed attack on Thakrian soil, Thakria responds routing the City of Light and further occupying its walls.

Paglost 1082

Inshallah, the moon-goddess, returns to Avalon.


Newbie League Tournament

Springdalian fighters sponser tournament in revolutionary move to help teach youth how to fight; support and donations pour in from all sides and Eleusis is set at site of tourney."


Stone War Ends

Pyrious, Guildmaster of the Prophets, agrees to a new Code of Conduct where no member of his guild shall use a palantir for the purposes of focusing, getting, shattering, or traversing into shop stockrooms and treasure chambers. Amadeus, guildmaster of the Seers and Grahjhl, guildmistress of the Astrologers, agree to abide by these terms.

Skyelong 1077

Treaty between Parrius and Springdale 20-year treaty ends in 1096

In additions to reparations, Orinoko is ousted from his Princeship as a condition of the treaty, named fighters suffer punishment within Parrian walls as health deterioriates.

Eleuthral 1076

Damocles, god of chaos sponsers the Rubyleague for the Divine Ruby of War. Competition, though delayed, finally ends in 1090.

Springflower 1075

Springdale invaded by Parrius

Parrius razes the Prophet and Paladin guides while waiting for Prince Orinoko of Springdale to discuss terms. Orinoko's acknowledgement of attacking Parrian citizens within their walls, rebuffing talks of surrender until terms publically posted.

Agamnion 1073

Parrius Accused of Crimes against Mercinae

Zenichiro as Parrian Custodian is blamed for attacks against the Knights' guild of Mercinae.


Start of the Stone War

Sarale bonded into Thakria and proceeded to loot Thakrian stores. Thakrian seers retaliated and hold Mystic stones enslaved.


The Bandits Guild invade the Animists

The Bandits invade the Animists Guild in the Northern greenwood, stating that the invasion is in reaction to interference in combat and warfare by the Animists.

Eleutheral 1055
Nov 01

Parrius Invades Mercinae

Parrius had decleared they would use their legions to destroy the Knights guildhouse as punishment for attacks by Knights guildmembers on Parrians. A failed pre-emptive strike by Knights guildtroops was judged as a violition of the 1021 treaty, Parrius invaded Mercinae once again and destroyed most of its guildhouses, homes and shops.

Eleutheral 1039
March 01

Thakria Invades Springdale

Thakrian legions fight their way into Springdale and finally defeat the city after several bloody battles. Springdale is forced to agree to a 15 year treaty, one of the terms is that the city is renamed Springtown. A statue of a grim-faced Thakrian man is erected in Springdale Square.

Midsummer 1027
Nov. 00

Parrius Invades Mercinae

Relationships between the former allies had become increasingly strained during the previous 5 years as Parrius had grown and sought to increase its sphere of influence, causing Mercinae to give up some of hers. An incident in 1017 when Parrian troops who had been protecting north Mercinae were prevented from returning home by the raising of Mercinae's East Gate fortifications did not help. Mercinae signs a 20 year peace treaty with Parrius.

Mournsend 1021
June 00

Artisans Guild Expelled from Parrius

The Artisans are expelled following disputes between senior Artisans and the government of Parrius, the latter claim the guild was acting against the interests of the city.

Midsummer 1020
June 00

The Ordination of Damocles, the god of chaos from Sturge the Thief.

Read More Paglost 1012
Feb. 00

Avalon's 10th Anniversary!

Nov 99

The new millenium

1st Midwinter 1000
August 99

The Fall of Gant

Defeated soldiers from Gant appear in Southern Avalon, telling of the capture of Gant by The Master.

Cloudburst 998
July 99

Rise of the Orc Armies

An Uruk-Hai legion sacks Eleusis, marking the start of the Orc Wars with Orcish armies marching as far as the gates of Mercinae. Rumours spread of the return of "The Master".

Agamnion 992
April 99

The Appointment of Xanthe, Goddess of Vengeance from Kylan the Cavalier. The Appointment of Proteus, God of the Sea, from Grundy the Alchemist.

Midsummer 990
March 99

The Appointment of Brigantia, Goddess of Life, from Sirona the Animist.

Mournsend 990
March 99

Mercinae defeats Thakria

Mercinae invades Thakria, utterly destroying its army. Mercinae proceeds to loot and raze much of the city unchallenged whilst a 5000-strong army occupy Thakria for several months. Mercinae withdraws after a peace treaty limiting Thakria's military for 10 years is signed. This effectively ends the war between Mercinae and Thakria.

Skyelong 977
Aug. 98

Thakria sacks Mercinae

A large Thakrian force defeat the army of Mercinae at the city's North Gate. Parrius marches 1500 troops into Mercinae via the East Gate. Mercinae's forces are routed in the first battles, and the invaders destroy much of the city but are finally driven out with the aid of Guild troops.

Skyelong 970
May 98

Rebirth of Parrius

Parrius begins to repopulate, under the leadership of Bedivere, Mercy and Procyon. Little love is left between Mercinae and Parrius.

June 97

The Parrian Exodus

Fearing invasion from Thakria the Parrian government decide to close the city and move to Mercinae. Many Parrians feel betrayed and join Thakria or Springdale rather than stay in Mercinae.

Feb. 97

Thakria besieges Coriona

The other three cities combine to defeat the Thakrian forces at Coriona. Around this time Panaideos of Thakria is aknowledged as the most powerful fighter in the land. Thakria gains many new citizens from the other cities.

Jan. 97

Springdale University opens

Sept. 96

The Appointment of Rhadamanthys, God of Compassion, from Cinaed the Alchemist.

Agamnion 929
Sept. 96

Rumours spread of a new city called Gabbad.

May 96

The Wizards, the first Springdale guild, is opened.

Leaflost 919
May 96

Mercinae and Thakria declare war on Parrius.

Thakrian forces liberate Coriona. Ithakus, Prince of Mercinae, invades Parrius with Thakrian funding. Parrian troops break the siege, Ithakus recalls all Mercinaen forces and resigns his position.

Hindyear 913
Feb. 96

Parrius occupies Coriona

Read More 913
Feb. 96

Lazarus, the God of Pain takes Divine status from Shaitan the Sorcerer.

Read More 907
Dec. 95

Rumours sweep the land regarding the "Doom of Avalon", and the "Rise of Annihilus".

Dec. 95

The Messiah relinquishes his divine status.

Nov. 95

The Ordination of The Messiah, from Shaitan the Sorcerer.

Read More Agamnion 904
Nov. 95

100 years since the Firstborn arrived in Avalon.

Midwinter 900
Sept. 95

Thakria besieges Parrius

Thakria saw Kristanisti saved by Parrian arms but undaunted by the minor defeat, Prince Shaitan powered on and launched an attack on the Parrian homeland itself! The siege lasted for six long days and both sides were most worn out when Mercinae finally woke to the danger and Prince Isildur sent in his legions to break the deadlock and chase the Thakrians back across the realm. Parrius was saved.

Read More Midwinter 888
May 95

Thakria beseiges Kristanisti

Prince Shaitan launched an invasion of Kristanisti after persuading Mercinae to remain idle. Kailess the Knight and Enth the Astrologer supported the Sorcerer Prince of Thakria. All looked fatal for Marie and her town until Parrius, despite reeling from recent theft of half a million gold, rose in defiance and sent in their armies under Nataykk, together with Polgara, Conan, and Nelgin.

Read More Leaflost 885
April 95

Shaitan becomes Prince of Thakria.

March 95

Genesis declares Apollo is the new patron of Mercinae

Genesis expresses his hope that the new patron can restore honourable behaviour to the citizens of Mercinae.

Read More 884
March 95

The Darkening of Nostradamus

Nostradamus, ordained god of the stars clashes with Orthwein, the god of fate over the defection of Thavar from the Parrian Astrologers to the Thakrian Seers. The Fate God's objection was the catalyst for a critical denouement; the god of the stars casts aside his original realm to embrace that of Darkness - the gift of The Diabolus. The newly risen god of darkness declares his intent to crush the rest of the world with Thakria and the Seers at the head of his banner.

Read More 884
March 95

Genesis strips Isildur of Mercinae Princeship, end of Mercinae-Parrius war.

March 95

Mercinae and Parrius at war

Hostilities between the cities break out over the occupation of villages and towns in Avalon. Mercinae defeats Parrius at Astrea's Delta, Parrius objects to Mercinae's occupation of Orc Town.

Feb. 95

Avalon's 5th Anniversary!

Nov 94

The Appointment of Andromeda, goddess of dreams from Klassi the Loremistress.

Oct. 94

The Ordination of Orthwein, the god of fate from Snowlock the Prince of Thakria, conquerer of Mercinae, Guildmaster of the Thieves and Priest of Time. He defeated Zollrender is a comprehensive Ordination victory.

Read More 875
Oct. 94

Mercinae is economically ruined by Nostradamus, Snowlock and Thakria and is eventually handed back to Castigere as a shell of its former self.

Skyelong 870
July 94

Mercinae escapes destruction but the armistice - withdrawal of Parrian troops included - surrenders control to Thakria and Nostradamus is installed as patron as an act of mockery to taunt Mercinae for its cowardly leaders.

Skyelong 870
July 94

Mercinae is defended to the last by Zollrender, leading the Mercinaen battlement legions in a desperate bid to hold off the conquering Thakrians. Rescue comes at last as Parrius mobilises and enters Mercinae, engaging the Thakrians as the last Mercinaen battlement was about to fall.

Skyelong 870
July 94

Castigere hands patronage of Mercinae to Genesis as Isildur, high priest and Mercinaen Prince, chooses to flee rather than face Snowlock's challenge.

Skyelong 870
July 94

Thakria invades Mercinae

Thakria declares war on Mercinae as Snowlock leads a hundred thousand Thakrians to conquer the City of the Swan.

Read More Skyelong 870
July 94

Snowlock puts Thakria on a war-economy footing and spreads word of his plans for the destruction of Mercinae.


The Ordination of Nostradamus, god of the stars as Blodwyn, greatest Seer in history defeats Zollrender the Master Thief in the first Amethyst Quest finale - the format still used, unchanged, over twenty years later.

Read More 862
April 94

Thakria begins to dominate Avalon. Prince Isildur of Mercinae backed by Parrian allies expresses fears over Thakrian expansionism.

Jan. 94

Snowlock rises to prominence in Thakria as successor to Blodwyn who removes to her stronghold in the forest of G'harran

Jan. 94

The Ordination of Mephisto, god of the night. Helkarakse of the Sorcerers defeats Urquoth the Astrologer in the competition for divinity.

Read More 845
May 93

The Shame of Mercinae

Aldaron moves the Animists guild out of Mercinae due to the warlike attitude of the Barony. Aldaron states that the reputation of Mercinae is perhaps irredeemably undermined but Castigere and Isildur assert Mercinae's need to meet fire with fire else risk being enslaved by the Thakrian menace

March 93

Parrius gains city status.

Read More 830
June 92

The first bear growled, the first lion did roar, the first wand's tip sparkled and the Firstborn entered Avalon. Mortals as all who came after but touched by the Flame Imperishable with personality and free will and indepenence. The Song of Creation could no longer be heard or seen but was part of everything and the first words were spoken - the grunt of a warrior and a rhyme about oranges and lemons.

Midwinter 800
October 28th 1989

Genesis did walk alone in this silent world, within it placing all the moments of myth and history, without holding it safe in the void. And though the void is infinitely vast and the realm just a mote of iridescence, the silence was broken by the coming of the Song of Creation. Genesis did make the world but he knew right well the Song would make it something more and so the Song was let in and it filled the realm with Everything.

Before Seasons 1
October 11th 1989

The lands of the crown were broken. Fragments were made manifest in the void, laying the fabric of new and wondrous realm. But time was a maelstrom of histories past and future a-whirling and threatening chaos. Genesis had no choice of realm - history demanded its place in Creation and so he closed his fist to make a world.

Before Time 0
October 7th 1989