For those of you submitting new additions to Avalon, please stick to the following format: Location descriptions should have the brief (short description), without a full stop. Then, on a separate line, the verbose, with single spaces after the full stops, and no word wrapping or carriage returns. The description should NOT include an exits summary (e..g. You see exits north and south) as this is automatically generated. If you are submitting more than one location description, the descriptions should be consecutive, brief, then verbose, then brief, then verbose. Any extra information, text, or exit notes for linking them up should be included at the end of any submission after the location text itself. If you are using attachments, make two attachments: one for just the text, another with all special instructions, exit details, etc. If using something like Microsoft Word, make sure you save your submission as plain text WITHOUT line breaks.
Object descriptions should have the brief (i..e.. what you see in glance), then the examine (i..e.. what you see when you examine), and then the inventory description (i..e.. what you see when you type inv - a long black cape, for example). These should be on consecutive lines, no blank lines in between. If you are submitting a new CCC, then you should include, after the inventory, the leave text, the enter text, then the get text (e..g.. So-and-so kicks you in the head rather than be picked up), and finally the death text (i..e. the text displayed when the creature is dead, in glance).
Remember: English not American spellings. Centre not center, favourite not favorite. A single space should follow a fullstop, and no word-wrapping should be attempted. And if in doubt, ask before you submit a great deal of work, it delays its implementation even if it is good quality if you submit in an awkward format. When submitting via e-mail use plain text, not HTML or Word or any other software specific format.
- Look around for examples you can use as a basis for your own work before starting. This gauge will keep your own work much more in keeping with the rest of Avalon.
- Before writing, create a floor plan or map to decide how your rooms connect: which direction will each exit go, is it hidden, are there doors, is it a one-way exit, or anything else special about it?
- If there is a strange overlap (e..g. room1 se room2 sw room3 n room4 ... not room1), be clear in your own head why it happens and mention it while writing.
- Before writing, know how big your rooms are -- can they fit 1000 people? 5000 people? 10000 maybe? if it is smaller, like a bedroom, be sure to note this on your map and your submission!
- Use environments appropriately -- a snowy backyard in Parrius is not right!
- Descriptions as most see them are wrapped at 80 characters. Bear this effect in mind when writing: overly long room descriptions create a sense of fullness, over-saturation, excess; supremely short ones a sense of emptiness, deprivation, speed.
- Save your .TXT (plain text without linebreaks, without word wrapping) and make sure your submissions have nothing imbedded, no word wrapping, and any instructions are at the very end - so at the beginning of your submission is simply a continuous body of text, to be placed directly in Avalon.
- REMEMBER! it's is short for it is. its means belonging to it. Do not use contractions unless absolutely necessary e..g. do not is good, don't is bad.
- Use only BRITISH ENGLISH spellings, not American English. 'Colour' not 'color', 'centre' not 'center'. I can't emphasiSe this enough. It is a matter of historical consistency! REMEMBER: BRITISH ENGLISH SPELLINGS. If you're using a spellchecker, set it accordingly.
- VERY IMPORTANT: your submissions should be saved WITHOUT word wrapping in plain text files with no line breaks. There should be no social codes. Do not imbed colours. Ensure you use the ' not the ` for your apostrophe and double quotes " for speech, with proper use of comma, semi-colon, full stop/period and other punctuation. Grammar matters. Avalon submissions must pass a number of critical eyes before inclusion in the land.
Make sure you send your contributions, unless otherwise arranged to the e-mail address:
NB: do not to any of the administrative or player support addresses as this risks delay or even loss of your most excellent contribution.