Famous Witch Names - A List
Like their male counterparts, wizards, the witch is another common archetype across all manner of fantasy; almost exclusively a female spellcaster, witches can be found in novels, short stories, religion, mythologies, all kinds of text based games or online roleplaying worlds and indeed this 'character mould' is something that no game boasting magic of any kind can be without.
Witch Names: A-J
- Augusta Longbottom, JK Rowling's "Harry Potter"
- Baba Yaga, witch of Slavic folklore
- Bellatrix Lestrange, Death Eater, JK Rowling's "Harry Potter"
- Blue Fairy, Carlo Collodi's "The Adventures of Pinocchio"
- Cadsuane Melaidhrin, legendary Aes Sedai in Robert Jordan's "The Wheel of Time"
- Deino, one of the "Graeae" or Stygian Witches of Greek mythology
- Eglantine Price, Apprentice Witch in Disney's "Bedknobs and Broomsticks"
- Egwene Al'Vere, Amyrlin Seat, Robert Jordan's "The Wheel of Time"
- Elaida Sedai, Red Aes Sedai in Robert Jordan's "The Wheel of Time"
- Elphaba, The Wicked Witch of the West in both "Wicked" and "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz"
- Elsa from Disney's "Frozen"
- Enyo, one of the "Graeae" or Stygian Witches of Greek mythology
- Failee, First Sorceress of Newcomb's "Chronicles of Blood and Stone"
- Galadriel, The Lady of Light in Tolkien's legendarium
- Gingerbread House Witch, the unnamed antagonist of "Hansel and Gretel"
- Glinda, the Good Witch of the South, L. Frank Baum's "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz"
- Granny Weatherwax, recurring figure in Terry Pratchett's "Discworld"
- Grotbags, eponymous character of the British television show
- Gytha "Nanny" Ogg of Terry Pratchett's "Discworld"
- Hermione Granger of JK Rowling's "Harry Potter"
- Jaina Proudmoore, Lady of Theramore "The Warcraft Universe"
- Joanna of "Devil on the Road"
A Witch bringing forth the magical chessboard enchantment
Wild Circe, The Witch-Queen sketches eight ritual shapes in the air before you.
Wild Circe, The Witch-Queen dances the ritual of Chessboard.
Guided by an invisible hand, a piece of ethereal chalk appears from nowhere and begins to mark a crisscross pattern in the location; eight squares by eight squares. In moments the chalk is gone but the pattern lingers, pulsing with enchantment.
Witch Names: K-Z
- Maleficent, primary antagonist of Disney's "Sleeping Beauty"
- Mary Poppins, magical nanny of PL Travers' "Mary Poppins" series
- Mierin Eronaile, AKA Lanfear, Robert Jordan's "The Wheel of Time"
- Minerva McGonagall, Transfiguration Professor, JK Rowling's "Harry Potter"
- Moiraine Sedai, Blue Aes Sedai in Robert Jordan's "The Wheel of Time"
- Morgan Rowlands, Riordan Woodbane, Cate Tiernan's "Wicca/Sweep"
- Nemene Demander Boann, AKA Semirhage, Robert Jordan's "The Wheel of Time"
- Pemphredo, one of the "Graeae" or Stygian Witches of Greek mythology
- Sabrina, eponymous character of "Sabrina, the Teenage Witch"
- Selene Belltower, Woodbane Wiccan in Cate Tiernan's "Wicca/Sweep"
- Siuan Sanche, The Amyrlin Seat in Robert Jordan's "The Wheel of Time"
- The Dark Sorceress, Rachel Roberts' "The Avalon Collection"
- The Wicked Witch of the East, L. Frank Baum's "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz"
- Tiffany Aching of Terry Pratchett's "Discworld"
- Ursula, Sea Witch, Disney's "The Little Mermaid"
- Weird Sisters, the three witches of Shakespeare's "Macbeth"
- Winifred Sanderson, Salem Witch in Disney's "Hocus Pocus"