The Greatest Event in the Land
The most exciting event, written to occur every 6 months - is the ordination of a single mortal player in to the greatest achievement - a God. Avalon was the first online RPG game world to allow its brightest and best to ascend into the Pantheon as a deity and many of the best past players have followed this path and continue to play an active role in the land to this day. To compete for an ordination you must know your character's battle and endurance skills well - you must have also competed in a quest to win a divine gem, which will further certain abilities. This section gives the specifics of many of the competitive ordinations.
Ordination of Elmaethor, god of the stars.
The appointment of Xanthe, goddess of vengeance.
Appointment of Sylvanus, god of the earth.
The appointment of Proteus, god of the sea
Appointment of Ashvani, goddess of the moon.
The appointment of Brigantia, goddess of nature.
The Ordination of Aethon, the sun-god.
The Ordination of Loki, god of fire.
The Ordination of Malhavok, the god of doom.
The Ordination of Damocles, the god of chaos.
The Ordination of Lazarus, the god of pain.
The Ordination of Orthwein, the god of fate.
The Ordination of Nostradamus, god of darkness.
The Ordination of Mephisto, god of the night.
The Ordination of Castigere, the god of justice.
The Ordination of Maedhros, the Hunter.