The Ordination of Mephisto was a more hectic affair than that of Castigere. Mephisto was born of Helkarakse, the Sorcerer. His main challenger was Urquoth, the Astrologer. On Helkarakse's side were the two Thieves, Grendel and Inshallah. With Urquoth stood Galahad, Eshkadeth and Aragorn. The quest was to take place over two hours, and Helkarakse began holding the amethyst, for he had earned the right in a previous competition. Urquoth's group set off in pursuit of Helkarakse, who initially held the amethyst. Cleverly, Helkarakse passed the gem to Grendel, whose knowledge of the paths of the land is second-to-none. For two hours Grendel dodged and darted about the land like a man possessed, eluding the grasp of his hunters. On one occasion Aragorn managed to wrest the gem and hold it, but the foolish young Bard wandered under cover and the amethyst, which cannot be taken outside view of the skies, slipped through his fingers into the lap of Inshallah, who was waiting close by. Twice more, while holding the gem, did Grendel wander inside, but both times, his speed in retrieving the gem was sufficient. At the end of the two hours, Grendel had retained the gem and Helkarakse, who was cowering in the Dark Void, praying for his companions, won the right to ascend the Rock Pinnacle, hurl the amethyst into the pool of the Gods and raise the sceptre. Thus was Mephisto, god of the night born.