The scroll is entitled "The Pre-Eminence of the Thakrian Mind" and has been dated with the year 821. It is an examination of the reasons behind the strength of Thakria, concentrating for the most part on the Baron Davros Bloodaxe.
Thakria demonstrates the success of mismatches. While the Over-Lord was open about his cultist associations, Davros Bloodaxe spent a decade stoutly defending the Sun from her numerous enemies. Alone he stood against, for the most part, better equipped and better motivated folk. However it is in the building up of Thakria as a world power that Davros will be most lauded. After passing his novice in 806 ADW he rapidly become guildmaster of the Loremasters guild after the premature retirement of their former guildmaster through illness. From guildmaster it was not long before Davros also superseded his old master as Baron. At this time Mercinae was ruled by the likes of Sarik the Arch-Magi and Palin the Old. Davros it was who brought consistency to Thakrian decision-making. He was feared and respected by his Mercinaen counterparts for shrewd economic policies. All the time, however, his strength in business was supported by the threat of power unmatched for many years after the retirement of the Arch-Magi.
One of the greatest achievements of Loremaster Davros Bloodaxe was the reversal of perceptions of the two great cities. Thakria was once considered a poor refuge for Mercinaen outcasts. Today there is a running joke among Thakrians whenever the encounter a novice Mercinaen regarding their misfortune in having been born in such a city. We can attribute this attitude to the machinations of Davros Bloodaxe and to subsequent weakness of Mercinaen Barons.