Though a town has existed where the city of Parrius now stands for centuries, it is only relatively recently that Parrius was expanded into a city. The historical basis for the city is one of freedom fighters, fiercely independent and totally loyal. It is the quest of all true Parrians that they try to reflect these ancient ideals. Parrius itself was formed under the watchful guidance of Pericles, god of the sky, and its first leaders installed by the god were Brucos and Triekos, self-proclaimed Princes.
They were soon joined by Conan of Old, who left his home in Eleusis to join the Parrian leadership, Falstaff, the Bard and Nebuchadnezzar, the Knight. Pericles, though, fell silent for a time and the new city's leaders, in particular Brucos and Triekos, were felt to be using the city's resources and their favour with the sky-god to further their own affluence. Thus a bloodless coup was undertaken by Parrius' most prominent citizen of the time, the Enchanter Calladan, soon supported by his apprentices Marie, and her companion, Procyon. Under this new leadership, Parrius flourished and established itself as an economy, and political power in the land.