The Farming Abilities
Farming, on the other hand focuses on the harvesting and rearing of various plants, crops and animals, with abilities such as the ploughing of fields, harvesting of crops, animal husbandry, scrumping from fruit trees, and beekeeping chief among them.
2002h, 2002m aex --- ab farming
Your current proficiency in Farming is Crowned-Ultimate.
"Fruits" Expert fruit assessment, maximising mixed [Beginner+20%]
"Gather" Sorting, gathering and collecting fruit, n [Beginner+20%]
"Soil" Packing soil, preparing the earth for grow [Poor]
"Ploughing" Yoking oxen to a plough and ploughing fiel [Poor]
"Skinning" Stripping the skins from dead animals [Apprentice]
"Hemp" Sowing, growing, cutting and stripping hem [Practitioner]
"Seedbelts" Using many-pocketed belts designed to stor [Competent]
"Sugarcane" Sowing, harvesting, and cracking sugar can [Competent+50%]
"Potatoes" Sowing, growing, and harvesting potatoes [Respected]
"Flyfishing" Fishing in the rivers and lakes of the lan [Respected+25%]
"Apples" Sowing and nurturing apple trees [Respected+50%]
"Pears" Sowing and nurturing pear trees [Respected+68%]
"Plums" Sowing and nurturing plum trees [Respected+81%]
"Meadows" Planting grass-seed and tending grassland [Renowned]
"Bananas" Sowing and nurturing banana trees [Renowned+33%]
"Gardening" Preparing, planting and keeping a soil-ric [Renowned+66%]
"Cultivating" Cultivating herbs and poisons in fertile g [Renowned+66%]
"Scrumping" Climbing fruit trees and shaking them down [Master]
"Seeding" Broad skill with seeds, stones and pip pla [Master+12%]
"Potfishing" Catching crabs and lobsters using pots [Master+25%]
"Coops" The mysterious art of the chicken coop [Master+37%]
"Hutches" Taking care of rabbits and their hutches [Master+50%]
"Cotton" Sowing, picking, seeding and reseeding cot [Master+62%]
"Croplore" Attending to crop health and soil richness [Master+75%]
"Wheat" Sowing, growing, harvesting and preparing [Grand-Master]
"Nuts" Planting nuts and picking nuts from trees/ [Grand-Master+13%]
"Milking" Milking cows and goats [Grand-Master+20%]
"Seafishing" Fishing off the coasts for sea fish [Grand-Master+33%]
"Soybeans" Sowing and harvesting the soybean [Grand-Master+53%]
"Beekeeping" Preparing a bee hive, keeping bees for wax [Grand-Master+66%]
"Hivelore" Extracting wax and honey from bee-hives [Grand-Master+86%]
"Breeding" Tending, enriching and breeding animals [Legendary]
"Felling" Felling trees and preparing useful wood [Legendary+20%]
"Shearing" Shearing wool from sheep in the dog day af [Legendary+33%]
"Butchery" Slaughtering animals and cutting out their [Legendary+53%]
"Acorns" Planting acorns and raising the mighty oak [Ultimate]
"Landscapes" Using fertile soil to extend entire fields [Crowned-Ultimate]
"Fertilisation" Increasing field output with manure [Crowned-Ultimate]
The majority of abilities within these skills require specialist tools or equipment to carry out, such as spades for digging, cauldrons for brewing, picks, hammers and saws for the excavation and shoring of tunnel heads and mine shafts, and dozens more. Most city markets have a stall dedicated to labours and farming tools and this should be your first port of call as a fledgling labourer or farmer.
Duties are often entrusted by city leadership and among them are commodity-gathering tasks on behalf of the city. It is often worth enquiring of your city leadership (particularly the ministers of Trade or State), which commodities are in highest demand for these - as one might expect - tend to bring the highest rewards and potential profits.