A commodity - in Avalon - refers to one of the fifty raw materials used in the construction, creation and/or fashioning of the objects one uses in one's Avalon life. Everything in your inventory, all types of equipment, forged weapons/armour, clothing, artifacts: all are derived from commodities. All cities and villages have a trading point, a marketplace location, wherein you can type GOODS and BUY/SELL commodities depending on the produce and wants of the local community. Read HELP COMMS to see a complete list of the commodities in Avalon.
One can 'create' commodities or extract them at source using one of the many abilities in the Farming and Labours skill-sets. Examples are mining for ore (various metals), sewing seed to harvest crops (various foods), fishing, panning for gold, and assorted more complex procedures like blowing glass, brewing essence, milking cows, butchering meat, etc. Refer to HELP FARMING and HELP LABOURS for more info on these two key skills developed by all Avalonians.
The more money-minded person may wish to use shops and stalls for purposes other than equipping themselves with essentials. It is possible to amass a great deal of wealth through prudent trading. This is particularly true when dealing with the raw commodities. All items sold in the shops and stalls have their basis in raw commodities - often mining produce from the mountainous villages, or arable crops from remote farming villages. The cities have great demand for these commodities, and many a daring merchant has risked life and limb to secure these goods for their homeland. Prices in the villages of Avalon are determined by the extent of their reserves and the volume of production. Conflict between the three cities to obtain these commodities is often cut throat and always competitive. COLLECT <commodity> is worth remembering to collect up and batch up all of certain commodities in one consistent group or pile.