The term 'critters' refers to the smallest mammals of Avalon's animal kingdom, like mice, rats, hedgehogs and rabbits. These little animals can be found popping up all over the land, particularly in dense woodland or - often to the dismay of those charged with their management - in the commodity stores of foodstuffs, wheat, seeds and the like.
In practical terms these critters have various effects on the land. They are often nurtured, reared and kept healthy by those of an animist or druid background - symbolic of the altruistic nature of this profession. Some can be used for breeding and there are Farming and Labours abilities dealingwith their care. For those interested in raising birds-of-prey, the critters can form an important part of the hatchling owl and falcon's staple diet - the cornerstone of a growing bond twixt bird handler and bird. Care or abuse is noted by the forests and taken into account by woodland affinities (see HELP FORESTS).
On the downside, the critters are hungry, furtive little creatures and have a reputation for devouring - by necessity, it should be said - harvested crops or shop stockroom foodstuffs; for nibbling their way through fruits of bushes and certain trees and for feasting on important seeds that would otherwise be used during the spring planting or woodland reforestation. As critters grow more numerous there are times when they reach a level of 'infestation' that may be dangerous to crucial city or guild stores and then difficult decisions must be faced: elimination, relocation or enduring the loss. How you handle such problems, while remaining consistent with your character's outlook/role, is often a thorny conundrum - particularly for those whose guild maxim's are bent on the preservation of all life, large and small.