Sometimes you will find it important to carry liquids or other such 'difficult-to-hold' objects about with you, e..g. if you wished to imbibe a herb requiring water to drink it down, or if you needed to transport a stack of sand for use in construction. To do so it is likely you will use a container, like a goblet or a bucket.
Syntax: FILL <container> WITH <liquid/substance> [<pace of filling>]
While in possession of a suitable container (a bucket, a cauldron, a jar or the like), use this command to fill it with the specified substance. The substance should be on the ground before you and each FILL iteration will transfer some to your container. Specifying a speed (CAREFULLY, SLOWLY, QUICKLY, FRANTICALLY) will ensure your filling pace goes at your desired speed.
Syntax: POUR <container>/<liquid or substance> [<pace of pouring>]
Should you wish to empty your container you would use the POUR command. You are able to pour directly from a container (POUR BUCKET for instance) or pour a specific substance (POUR SAND for example). The pouring will continue until there is nothing left to pour or until you type CEASE. Pace of pouring can be determined by appending CAREFULLY, SLOWLY, QUICKLY or FRANTICALLY to your command.
See HELP WAGONS, HELP BREWING, HELP BUCKETS for related helpfiles documenting larger containers, using containers for herbal brews, and the usefulness of the multi-purpose bucket respectively.