Lockpicking kits come in all shapes and sizes, ranging from the basic kit of the neophyte citizen to the master's kit filled with a toolset honed by the experience/contributions of a dozen legendary locksmiths. Kits gain experience from action in the field and those with sufficient Itemlore can gain a rough idea of a kit's experience using PROBE. Bear in mind experience gain for a kit is always of a delayed type, periodically improving based on the accumulated fieldwork over an Avalon month. It does not happen at the same time for all kits. Kits have, separately, a state-of-repair which affects their potency. This should be kept in check by regular care.
Lockpicking Kit Types
1. "basic lockpicking kit" - the simplest of kits.
This kit is created by common labourers, presently using the CITY FASHION command - available to those with appropriate rank in city government - and is the first stage in the process of putting together a kit of genuine worth. The basic kit requires iron, tin, clay and oil commodities for the fashioning (the iron is required but not used up). Although this kit level is the simplest design is still effective when used in conjunction with the various locksmith-related commands. The basic kit cannot be honed, it cannot gain from having the experience of others bestowed upon it and it will only have a limited capacity for improvement by dint of regular use.
2. "intricate lockpicking kit - the most common kit for aspirant locksmiths.
This is the most commonplace kit and is used by both dilletantes and general locksmith types. It is created by taking the basic kit and, together with the commodities gold, silver, bronze and yarriol, issuing the FASHION KIT command with a suitable fixed toolset apparatus nearby (like an alchemical runebench). This can be done only by those of extraordinary Forging ability or individuals advanced in the lore of the thief. The basic kit will need to have been used sufficiently to be 'broken in' - this state being achieved by real lock-related actions - at which point it is ready for develoment into this intricate version. The intricate kit has much potential for improvement by use in the field, can be honed by fellow locksmithers, will be of immediate use when faced with locks of anything above modest complexity and is a necessary precursor to the master's kit detailed below.
3. "master's lockpicking kit" - the kit of the master burglar.
The master kit is the most advanced of the lockpicking kits and reflects an almost limitless potential for improvement. It is always indiviualised to its owner (though it can be used to lesser effect by others) and boasts a unique toolset ever-evolving by working the field, honing, additions from other kits and fellow locksmiths, etc. Evolving an intricate kit into a master kit requires the creation of a kitbox - an amalgam of four intricate lockpicking kits of suitably developed potency - in addition to a fifth intricate kit (the most developed) to act as the master kit's basis.
Lockpicking Kit Commands
Syntax: WIELD RIGHT <kit> or WIELD LEFT <kit>.
To declare yourself wielding the lockpicking kit in your right or left hand, ensuring that it is used for all advanced lockworking endeavour. Most lockworking requires a kit to be wielded - rather than merely held about your person - else you gain no benefit from its toolset.
Syntax: PROBE <kit>.
Probing a lockpicking kit can be done with those of suitable itemlore prowess and will give information on the kit depending on both itemlore and thievery/forging skillsets. You can use this to gain information on the kit's potency, its state-of-repair, its owner and creator, those who have honed it, the extent of its toolset and (for the more advanced) the intricacy and individualised worth of the kit's combined toolset impact.
Syntax: CARE KIT.
This requires either Master Itemlore or Respected Runes/Forging. All kits are worn a little by use in the field and must be regularly cared for, in order that their functionality retains its maximum potential. You will need some oil commodity to complete this endeavour. The more a kit is used in the field, particularly in failed or difficult operations, the more regularly it will need to be cared for. If you allow a kit to fall to complete disrepair it will cease to function or, often more harmfully, even the most innocuous of uses risks permanent damage to the toolset. You can keep caring for a kit almost indefinitely, bolstering it from underperforming but - realistically - if the casing is two inches or more and the toolset is sharp and organised (as shown in PROBE KIT) you do not need to expend any more effort on its upkeep.
See also HELP LOCKS, HELP DOORS and HELP LOCKSMITHS for further information relating to doors, lock mechanisms and locksmithing.