Most Avalon years (two weeks, approximately, in realworld time) there are additions to the Avalon clothing and general wear - some of them specific to certain cities or affecting to show-off certain characteristics. When these items are sufficiently well-known they can be fashioned by the general lower skilled city artisans but the cutting edge haute-coiture is the domain of the crafting experts. In the main the new, most fashionable items are created by citizens of the land and submitted to Olympus to be judged appropriate and thus added to the crafting repertoire. Many take their coiture very seriously, blending the latest fashions with appropriate retro items to create a full, impressive ensemble.
Syntax: CRAFTING (can be abbreviated to NEED or ND).
Lists out all item types you can work with.
Syntax: CRAFTING <item type>, e..g. CRAFTING DRESS.
Use this command to view all those specific designs and arrangements of a certain item type available to you (current and retro fashions), to be created from component cloths, wool, silks and dyes.
Syntax: CRAFTING <item type> <range number>.
Using this command you will gain detailed information on the look and designer of a certain item, e..g. CRAFTING DRESS 1 will give you specifics about dresses of the first range.
Syntax: CREATE <item type> <unique number>.
Here is the crafting creation command. This allows you to create, using whatever are the appropriate component commodities, an item - either of the latest fashions or perhaps something of retro-coiture. You will need a template to base your creation on. The template is an original of the particular item type and range number from which to derive your copy. Only the designer is exempt from this requirement.
Syntax: CRAFTING CREATIONS [<person>].
To show the original creations of yourself, or the specific person; and those of your city and your guild. These items can be crafted without a template in most cases, providing you have city or guild authority (e..g. Baronial position or Guildmastery).
If you have a large range of selections you may wish to submit them via letter to one of the deities or, better still - depending on which avenue you judge the most effective, via e-mail to one of the deities. Submissions to take note of HELP FORMAT for information about the requirements and format necessary to speed-up submissions.