There is a great Mirror in each of the four cities: Mercinae has one at the Theatre off Traders Way, Parrius in the Library east of Hellespont Square, Thakria in the bathing house north from the Street of the Glorious Dawn and Silverfalls in the Silver Oyster tavern south of the central city square.
These Mirrors of Cenedril are artifacts of divine origin (which aren't?) of enormous size, able to depict events involving the cities (or citizens) in which they stand. The Mirrors are superb for providing education on high level combat, be it individual challenges or group pitched battles. They become trained on the battlefield by violent action (e..g. one of your legions is bombed from afar in an outdoor location). They offer a variety of 'views' for the audience and view content can be changed to anything on current 'channel' list, just like that strange once-popular "telling vision" of many a fireside tale.
Stand in the location with the Mirror of Cenedril attached to your city and use MIRROR START to train it on you. The mirror will then depict all you see and do and the events occuring around you - as they happen - to anyone in the large chamber wherein the Mirror is fixed. This is a superb tool for showing combat to younger citizens (for instance) since it allows them to see the sharp end of individual combat. Type MIRROR STOP to cut the connection so you are no longer the star of the Mirror's current show.
Syntax: MIRROR <area> and MIRROR OFF [<area>].
Directs the Mirror viewpoint to the area (village, town, region) specified so all in its location will see what is happening across all its locations overground and/or public. This is ideal for showing largescale combat between numbers of people or showing the epic drama of legion battles or ongoing siege. You can switch off individual areas or just use MIRROR OFF to stop the mirror from showing anything.
Syntax: OFF.
Simple command. Simple function: it switches the Mirror of Cenedril in your location into a dormant state, cancelling all active channels.
Gives you a list of the viewing channels currently available at the Mirror of Cenedril. It will always be able to broadcast challenges, duels, legions in action besieging, engaging, under attack or involved in major campaigns. NOTE: the Mirror cannot depict anything indoor or underground unless there is some line of sight with the sky or the outside.
Syntax: CHANNEL <channel> ON/OFF.
Adjusts the Mirror of Cenedril to be actively showing a particular channel as listed (see above) or swiches off the specified channel so its content is no longer displayed.
The output of the Mirror will include salient commentary and info (e..g. the health of players involved in fighting before and after an attack strike). The Mirror tries to be judicious about overload of text but when a battle is a frenzy of action there are times it is impossible to reflect it accurately without a great deal of description. It is up to the audience to cope but IGNORE and FVB are must-know commands.