Birds are everywhere in Avalon, beloved creatures of the life, nature, forests and earth divine realms and inhabitants of the skies and the earth alike. Many are wild and will have little to do with your everyday life, some are renowned for their affinity with humankind - particularly members of the druid and ranger professions, and even more so an indvidual responsible for rescuing, incubating and nurturing a hatchling from egg to maturity. The nurtured bird, when it reaches adulthood, can become an important companion - especially for those skilled in Ornithology or Falconry.
Raising a bird from egg to maturity is not so easy it may first appear. All birds are somewhat different - the raising of a hatchling robin requires different nutrition and different 'safeguards' to, for instance, a newborn falcon. Experience and advice will aid you here. It is important to keep the eggs warm and safe, and then the young birds safe and well-fed. One aspect worth noting here is the need to keep the egg/bird in an appropriate environment even while you are not in Avalon - and if you have elected to hold the hatchling in your inventory, you must ensure you also hold the correct food in your inventory so the youngling can feed while you are absent. Practice will, no doubt, be key to successful raising of bird companions.
One could write extensively on the art of bird raising and usage but this is not the place for such insight - it is the domain of the specialist - however, two final pieces of information: firstly, the robin has direct affinity with the forests and communion from the skies, while the carrier pigeon is incredibly important in warfare for transporting dispatches; and secondly, specialist or not, it is common knowledge that there are five birds that make up the symbolic 'presentation aviary' - the foundation of empathy twixt man and bird. These five are the falcon, the owl, the crow, the carrier pigeon or dove, and the robin.
See also HELP PREY, HELP CRITTERS, HELP ORNITHOLOGY, HELP FALCONRY and HELP PRESENTATIONS for further information about birds and - if professionally appropriate - details of attaining sympatico abilities relating to bird-friends.