Avalon - online RPG world


You've read the theory, learned your cures, arranged your defences, studied your skills, and now you want to put them to the test. PvP combat comes in many forms; mutual challenges between individuals, honourable duels, city defence and group melee, organised quests or tournaments and - of course - through directly attacking or being attacked by another player unprovoked. There are few rules of engagement in Avalon; the land is a harsh, violent place and all Avalonians are advised to learn at least a smattering of defensive tactics...

Who To Fight?


PEERS is a useful command that shows you any other players in Avalon of similar size, stature and fightworth to yourself.

The STANDINGS command lists everyone currently visible to you in Avalon, in order of their standing or "rank" within the land. Typically, a higher standing implies seniority, position, and - in most cases - a greater amount of combat experience. Like PEERS, your place in Avalon's standings relative to others can more easily identify similar-level opponents.

Syntax: CONSIDER followed by the name of the player

Once you have attained Master rank in your scholarship skill, you will gain the ability to consider other Avalonians. This ability sizes up a potential opponent, informing you of their position in the combat rankings, their might as compared to yours (a comparison of skills), and their overall 'fight worth'. All of these criteria are useful when judging an opponent worthy or otherwise worth your attention in combat.


These commands inform you of the feelings of your city, or guild, in relation to Avalon's other cities and guilds. Most pertinently, they will inform you of any enemy status or state of war declared between your city or guild and another. This can be a useful indicator of enemies of the state; potential personal enemies to engage in combat.

Challenges & Duels

Syntax: ISSUE CHALLENGE followed by the name of your opponent

Issues a public challenge to the specified player. All of Avalon will see a challenge made and many make it a point of personal pride to never refuse. If your opponent accepts, the challenge will begin. Bloodlust and duellist restrictions are suspended during a challenge and it is impossible to seek refuge in places of safety (such as the pool of life) while the challenge is in progress.

Mutual challenges are ended only when retracted or when one challenging party has been slain to the "ghost" state. They are invariably one versus one fights. Interference is highly frowned upon by mortals and gods alike; it is not uncommon for the two parties in the challenge to unite against an interloper set on disrupting this most honourable of combats...

Syntax: ISSUE DUEL followed by the name(s) of your potential opponent(s).

Duels differ from challenges in that they can involve many people, cannot be interfered with in any way by outsiders and end only when all but one have ridden the ship of death. The experience gained and lost from winning and losing a duel is much greater than in regular combat or in a mutual challenge, and it is possible to suspend divine protection to participate - the protected status returning once the duel is completed.

Avalon offers the freedom to succeed and be great, but also freedom to be hurt and persecuted.

Ambushes & Unprovoked Attacks

Avalon is a harsh land and combat is no different. There are few protections, even fewer rules. Those holding pacifist or divinely protected status cannot attack others or be slain. Individuals that have chosen duellist protections may only engage in combat via mutual duels or challenges.

Juniors, sometimes known as LittleWhos or MiddleWhos should, in most cases be left alone unless acting in an aggressive or provocative manner. The repeated slaying or tormenting of juniors is an act much frowned upon by seniors of the land, and bullies often face harsh retaliation...

Bloodlust is a mechanism introduced by the gods to prevent the repeated slaying of others smaller, or lesser in stature than yourself. It is based around the relative size, standing and fightworth of those you slay; gained via killing weaker opponents, lost over time or through dying.

There are NO other restrictions imposed on who you may attack, or be attacked by in Avalon - sometimes without reason. Enmity is very real and wars, conflicts and bitter rivalries erupt frequently; battle-lines drawn in the sand between individuals, cities, guilds, even the gods themselves...

The Arena & NPC Trainers

The Avalon arena is located near The Rock Pinnacle within the village of Archangel, deep in the northern mountains. The arena is a battleground in which experience, equipment and combat rankings are frozen, ensuring there are no consequences for combat that takes place inside. It is thus an ideal venue for combat training, practice and honing of reflexes prior to or alongside engaging in real, conseqeuential combat in mainland Avalon. All city and guild senior officials are able to initiate an arena session, and an Audience Box allows spectators to watch fights within.

NPC Trainers

NPCs in Avalon fight - in almost all ways - identical to a real player, utilising the same abilities and equipment available to all. Some of these are combat trainers and can be found in Mercinae's amphitheatre and the Avalon arena as detailed above. The trainers can be set up to fight at ten different levels of competence, rendering them worthy practice opponents no matter your skill or level.

Combat in Avalon is the most challenging, emotionally thrilling and heart-breakingly frustrating PVP experience of any game in existence.

Will you rise as the next truefighter or be cast down by legends?

Play now to stake your claim...