The concept of the 'arena' is used in Avalon to signify a gladiatorial area, with set limits, generally a little self-contained region whose express purpose is combat (be it player versus player or between legions). The battleisle is a version of the 'arena' concept (see HELP BATTLEISLE) but Avalon has two specific arena spaces that are commonly used by deities and citizens alike - for competitions, for quests, for fight practice, for challenges and group combats within sets of locations - the Battlearena by the "Rock Pinnacle" and the Chetwood Forest at the centre of the realm.
This is the main command for activating or disabling the Battlearena, summoning the portal from the "Rock Pinnacle" to the arena's "Audience Chamber" and then dispersing it once the Battlearena is no longer needed. The arena remains open and the gateway linking Avalon to the Battlearena locations remains in place until the Questmaster responsible for doing the ARENA ON declares it closed using ARENA OFF.
To enter the Battlearena you will need to go to the "Rock Pinnacle" which can be reached using ZOOM PINNACLE.
There, if the Battlearena has been activated, there will be a great arena portal and you will be able to ENTER PORTAL to be whisked off to the "Audience Chamber" - a safe location just outside the locations of the competitive arena region.
You may need to be declared a COMPETITOR in the Battlearena, depending on how it has been set in motion. This is done by whoever is Questmaster and explaied in HELP COMPETITOR.
In the "Audience Chamber" it is possible to watch everything in the arena, so it is a perfect place for spectators and teachers to watch the competitors in safety.
To leave the Battlearena and return to Avalon, use the OUT exit from "Audience Chamber" to be transported back to the "Rock Pinnacle" ready to continue your day in the realm proper.
See HELP QUESTMASTER and HELP BATTLEARENA for info on taking charge of the Battlearena.