The Quest Master is an important citizen, invariably of high and noble rank, whose duties include an absolute ministry over the creation, evolution and management of all experience quests in the city and the guilds of the city - the only exceptions being professional honours and the preset novice accolades.
Quest Masters are appointed by the Minister for Public Relations or - if the minister is otherwise engaged - the Prime Minister, Prince or Cardinal can step in to appoint. The latter case is rare and Quest Masters are considered an autonomous "position" within the Relations Ministry. The Quest Master is of sufficient importance to gain a listing in HELP <city>.
Syntax: XPQUEST <various powers...> or XPQ <power...> for short.
The "xpquest" is a term referring to a quest tied/associated to a particular homeland city or one of its guilds or CCCs. Cities have a unique repertoire of XPQUESTS, evolving over the years as each new Quest Master (or assistant) contributes his/her unique efforts.
These "xpquests" have various aims: test the mettle of some younger citizen, teach-and-reward young to midlevel, hone and/or sharpen the reflexes and high-level abilities of the city's upper echelons. Successful "xpquest" creation and completion greatly aids the city and a guild's reputation (amongst other things) since it signifies the younger citizenry progressing in the land.
The Quest Master and Head Tutor of a Guild, as well as sometimes the Justice Minister (typically the department responsible for combat training), acquire control of the battle-arena by the Rock Pinnacle. This is a flexible region of fight/combat training and is documented in HELP ARENA. There is a step-by-step tutorial for using the battle-arena, for Quest Masters and Head Tutors, available by typing HELP BATTLEARENA.
This command, in addition to those for opening and preparing the battle-arena documented in HELP ARENA, is used by the Quest Master for declaring - or removing - competitor status from individual player participants. The competitors can then proceed to the Rock Pinnacle and/or use the portal to the battle-arena to make their way to the "Audience Chamber" in readiness for the training or competitive challenge. See HELP COMPETITOR for info on the "competitor" status: a declaration and status you will find crops up throughout your Avalon career.
Quest Masters should be responsible for battle-arena cleanliness and leaving it in a fit state for future comptitors. ARENA OFF removes access to the battle-arena and withdraws competitor status from those leftover competitors; ARENA RESTORE pulls all battle-arena locations back to a "clean" point in readiness for the next group. If you fail to use ARENA OFF and/or leave the battle-arena in a poor state, the Gods may withdraw freedom of use. Many high potency abilities can blast terrain, change environment, render locations trapped and/or deadly: countless possible legacy effects of a battle-arena session. ARENA OFF and ARENA RESTORE ensures the legacy is de-activated with the Quest Master's departure.
Quest Master/Head Tutor/appropriately privileged Arena Commands:
ARENA CLEANSE can be used to clean up the entire arena, removing all rubbish and detritus and flotsam and jetsam from the arena-status locations. Be aware it will also wipe out the same from the inventory of those players inside the arena and containers within it too.
ARENA CLEANSE GROUND cleans up the arena, by focusses only on the items found left on the ground of the various arena-status locations.
ARENA SEAL/UNSEAL opens and closes the connection from the Audience Chamber to the Battle Arena. This connection tends to begin closed, so everyone is able to gather in the Audience Chamber for instructions and is then opened by whoever is running the contest when he/she determines proceedings are to begin.