There are two types of COMPETITOR status: the more commonplace competitor status granted to those competing/fighting in the Battle Arena (see HELP ARENA) and the less everyday competitor status bestowed by deities as part of a preorganised and specific quest (e..g. a gemquest or flagquest). Type COMPETITORS to review a list of those with active or suspended competitor status or ARENA WHO to review those in the Battle Arena. The Battle Arena is made accessible at the command of the Quest Masters, Justice Ministers and deities of the land. They alone can open and close the portal from Avalon's Rock Pinnacle to the distant island upon which the Grand Arena is found.
Competitor status set by a deity for an Avalonwide quest ensures the effects listed below are active all the time. Competitor status derived from competition in the Battle Arena ensures the effects are only activated while your character is within the arena itself. Here is a list of the most significant advantages of COMPETITOR status.
Under all circumstances:
- It ensures you do not use up your standard equipment, e..g. herbs, poisons, potion sips, magic charmed item charges, etc.
- Bloodlust restrictions will not affect you against other competitors.
- You will not gain bloodlust as a result of your competitor kills.
- DDW, pacifism and divine protection are suspended while you hold COMPETITOR status. They are restored as soon as you cease to be a competitor.
- While in a designated "arena" your deaths will not be publicly broadcast, nor will your status as 'ghost' (when slain) be publicly visible on WHO; save to those also participating in the arena as competitors.
Competitor "event" status:
- It gives you access to RES NOW (RESURRECT NOW) which will instantly restore you to life when you're a ghost. This is to be used with permission only.
- You will hear CCQ calls and you will be able to use the OOQ command yourself to send messages to your fellow competitors.
- You will be able to type COMPETITORS to see a list of those with competitor status in the land.
- It removes all experience loss from death.
REMEMBER: competitor status is a double-edged sword when it comes to gaining equipment since by the same token it removes any depletion, it also restricts addition.
GODLY QUESTS: When you have competitor status you can temporarily suspend it, in order to re-equip or interact with the land normally, by typing COMPETITOR END. For the next few Avalon days (or until divinely decreed) you will be able to type COMPETITOR RESUME to return your competitor status. All competitors will be informed of these choices.
BATTLE ARENA: If you decide you are no longer interested in participating on the Battle Arena conflict you may type UNCOMPETE and your status as a competitor will be given-up permanently. If, however, you decide you wish to rejoin the arena conflict you must stand in the Audience Chamber and type COMPETE. This will give you COMPETITOR status. It is not possible to automatically acquire competitor status when the initiator of the Battle Arena opening is nearby. In those cases you must ask him/her to manually bestow competitor status on your character.
If you feel anything should be added to the depletions restriction, any equipment of yours that is being depleted you reckon ought to be non-depleting; let a deity know and this can be taken into consideration.