Equilibrium is required by all magical and spiritual enchantment. It is, if you like, the establishing of a oneness with the divine energies of the land. You must establish this symbiosis in order to bring about any enchantments. The amount of time you need to spend establishing equilibrium is dependent on the power and permanence of the enchantment you wish to bring about. Timing equilibrium is one of the most integral arts of the game.
There are many factors determining how long it takes to regain equilibrium, most significant being the mentally strenuous ability being used in the first place i..e. the "base" equilibrium regain time. Below is a list of some of the better known and most obviously influential factors impacting the length of time it takes to regain equilibrium - either naturally or by dint of CHANT EQUILIBRIUM. You can check your own state of mind and surroundings by typing EQUILIBRIUM: the command causes you to indulge a single 'round' of equilibrium regain and notice any influences like those listed below.
Positive influences on "base" equilibrium regain:
Negaive influences on "base" equilibrium regain:
5. FATIGUE (more influence as you grow more tired)
If you ever find you lose equilibrium and want to regain it, type CHANT EQUILIBRIUM. This voiceless but useful chant attempts to regain your equilibrium and - though there is a chance of failure with each iteration - it will serve to restore your equilibrium ready for further use. Under normal circumstances the chant - which is noiseless - succeeds four times out of five. Luck affects the chance of success and such environment-impact enchanments as the silence ritual makes the CHANT EQUILIBRIUM regain time longer.
Regain of equilibrium can be of two kinds: HARD-EQUILIBRIUM and SOFT-EQUILIBRIUM. The former is a debilitating state and prevents many actions until equilibrium is restored. The latter however is a less stringent form of regain during which the use of balance is not prevented - a subtle but crucial distinction in combat where a soft equilibrium may turn the tide of a battle (allowing escape or followup action that would be otherwise prevented). Experimentation is essential and you will be informed of which type of regain you encounter by the text you receive at the point equilibrium returns: You have equilibrium denoting a soft regain and the more obvious Hard-Equilibrium demonstrating the harder, less flexible regain.