You can follow other players and create informal groups by having multiple individuals following a single leader - and by doing so, providing all are in FRIENDLY demeanour - experience gained from quest and kills is shared by all members of the group. Following in this way can be difficult to organise and requires everyone in the same location, moving at similar speed so when the leader moves quickly some are not left behind. In reality this can be troublesome to coordinate.
Avalon has two formal group types: the PARTY and the FELLOWSHIP.
These two commands show you any active party in the land, along with its leader and those party-members you can pinpoint; or lists active fellowships with leaders and members and stakes/shares of any gains acquired while playing as a fellowship (or party). By default the split of a party is one half for the leader and the other half divided equally between members. Parties can have just one leader. Fellowships are more flexible: anyone can lead, anyone can hold a position suitable to their talents (see below) and the default division of gain is equal share to every member of the fellowship.
Syntax: LEADER <player>
Syntax: GUIDE <player>
Syntax: FOLLOW on its own.
Syntax: PARTY [<leader/person>]