32.1Psycho793Psycho, Walker of the Twilight 793 aDW.
32.2Conteck810Conteck, early Animist from mud and laps of the gods.
32.3Belit830Belit, memories by the Sorcerer Fireside 830 aDW.
32.4Derillion846Old Derillion, mentor superseded 846 aDW.
32.5Snowlock850Snowlock of the Blood - ordained as Orthwein.
32.6Hero858The Life and Times of Hero the Mage.
32.7Tarkus858From the grassy knoll to founding Springdale.
32.8Sorithia859Sorithia, the mirthless Seer 859 aDW.
32.9Macros866Macros, Sorcerer in Gaurthang.
32.10Amfiaros869Amfiaros of the Alchemists.
32.11Casimian872Casimian of Springdale 872 aDW.
32.12Shaitan874Shaitan, from birth to days before Ordination.
32.13RatavaredWords from Ratava the Red: gone and forgotten...
32.14Morgan900Sir Morgan, a day of glory, a life of toil.
32.15Sparky903Sparky of the Mages from 903 aDW.
32.16Sarek909Sarek the Mercinaen, follower of Aldaron.
32.17Dankworth910Dankworth, follower of fate circa 910 aDW.
32.18Sethanor930Sethanor, Sorcerer and Undead Vassal.
32.19Calagan945Calagan - a Brigand's Hunting Tale.
32.20Fedora950Fedora - tale of the Green Enchantress.
32.21Arkane969Arkane, one of the architects of Springdale.
32.22Meriadoc970Meriadoc, most devous Thief 970 aDW.
32.23Ingens978Ingens, memoirs of an elderly Seer 978 aDW.
32.24Sirina999The final words of Sirina, the Dark Eyed One.
32.25Salvador1182First Chapters of the Salvador memoirs.