On a chilly autumn morning, 909 years after the Divine War, a young man called Sarek joined the Academy in the city of Mercinae. After quickly completing the tests he was assigned there, he graduated from the Academy, and set about finding a guild. Many people helped him, but he was unsure of which guild he wished to join, and many suggestions flashed by as he grew more and more confused by the choice before him. Soon he found himself in the Temple of Aldaron, led there by the Guildmaster of the Alchemists, Cinaed. He decided to become an initiate of this guild, enticed by the skills he was told of, and soon after he was deemed skilled enough in the alchemical arts to become a full member.
After a few years, his mind was to turn to the matter of a patron. He thought hard about this for a time, considering the Gods of Avalon, and after a time came to decide that his path lay with Aldaron, the God of Life. Since the day Sarek was allowed into the order of Life, its principles have guided his every decision. Sarek had never killed anything prior to his decision to join the order of Aldaron, and he has not yet killed since, and hopes that he never will. Sarek then turned his eye to the city and the lands surrounding it, and after a while he became familiar with the nearby villages and routes to other cities. The next step in his life was being granted the title of Aide to the Minister of Trade of Mercinae, and after this achievement, which was reached at a relatively young age, Sarek began to roam the land more often, searching out remote villages and trading routes, and now he is proficient at reaching many villages around the land with the minimum of time, though there are still some which he has difficulty in reaching.
After a while, Sarek also gained the title of Aide to the Minister of Relations of Mercinae, and has since helped many young citizens. Nowadays Sarek is fairly complacent with his life, having bought a small house with his savings, as well as gaining a relatively good knowledge of the land, but he still feels that there are other things which he can achieve within the land, and he strives towards these things every day.
Written by Sarek