It matters not when I was born, For I am still fairly young to the lands of Avalon. I first appeared in the Lands of Avalon as Singletree no prefix, no suffix just Singletree. The place I entered the land was in the city of Parrius. Upon entering the lands I was immediately overwhelmed by all the information that flowed over me and knew I needed training to continue my journeys. So I enlisted the help of a nearby Sage and he lead me to the academy for my training. Upon my graduation from the academy I thought I was ready for anything I was educated and young and of course foolish. I travelled the lands in peace exploring and learning, but then as the seasons changed I grew cold and I realized I was without clothing and would soon parish if not assisted. In my hour of need I yelled for all I was worth and there came assistance, Lady Paks found me in the streets and assisted me in gathering clothing and showing me where to eat and all was good once again.
While learning from Lady Paks I overheard her speaking about a person a very powerful person that had recently rode the ship of death and survived to return to the lands! This individual intrigued me why would my benefactor be so frightened of one person? Why would everyone I spoke to after that be so afraid of merely mentioning the name? Upon seeing all the power this individual exerted merely with his name I became hungry for this power also and I started learning as much as I could about this person, this individual named Shaitan. Early in my life I had come to the conclusion that magic was my personal way to Power and Glory and so I set out to learn the ways the arcane. As I learned more about the lands I decided that maybe the ways of the Warlock were for me. I attempted to contact these mysterious persons meeting with little success, but then in my travels I happened upon a person leading a great host of beings from the lower planes and my true calling was upon me . I knew then that Sorcerer was the title I wanted for myself. Biding my time I waited for the Guild master of the Sorcerers to appear in the lands so that I may join that most glorious of Guilds. When to my delight I learned that the Guild master of the Sorcerers was none other then the person everyone was frightened of, the same person that I had learned of earlier in life, The Great Lord Shaitan. Eventually I contacted the Lord Shaitan and begged him to accept me into the guild, after talking with me for a period of time he agreed and allowed me to enter the guild, and to my amazement also allowed me to become a citizen of The City of Miracles, Thakria.
Still being called Singletree, which I had learned would be associated with the pacifist guild of Animists, I decided that the name suited me not at all and was granted a name change by The God Mephisto, Hence was born Sethanor Sorcerer to be. Yearning more and more for the power of controlling others thru my might I turned all my attentions to my lessons soaking them up at a phenomenal rate. However, during the learning process I was attacked repeatedly for nothing more then being a sorcerer, and I rejoiced in the battle even though I had little skills and no experience I joined every battle I could, ever learning and dying many many times to those with greater skills and experience then I. Ever learning the ways of battle I soon turned from the hunted into the hunter and started forcing my will upon others thru my might. This caused those of great power to notice and then to swat me, for my skills were still not as great as I desired.
At this point in my life my Guild master ascended into Godhood, but that is his story. As I followed my Guild master in life I continue to follow him after he Achieved his Godhood. Soon thereafter my skills reached a critical point and with the assistance of The God Messiah I enacted great magics and transformed myself from the living Sorcerer into the undead Necromancer. No more would the weak fear of death hold any sway for me, FOR I WAS NO LONGER ALIVE! Death became a state I inflicted upon others. People sought me out trying to bring about the end of my existence, yet they never realized that their very attempts to destroy me only made me stronger, for every time I was forced to reanimate my form I learned a bit more, hated a bit more deeply until there came a day there were few in the lands that could destroy my material form. The demon horde's I grew to command were a sight feared by all, for none knew if they were destined to become food for my hunger.
At this point I looked about me and learned there were very few people in Thakria that had kept pace with me in my quest for power. Shriek, Singe and a few of the older persons of Thakria were all that were in my range of power. This saddened me for I saw my City falling into decay, so I redirected my attentions into learning to run the city I had come to love. At this time I should pay some respects to all the people who held the city intact and that I did not mention, they know who they are. Lazarus being Patron of Thakria in his wisdom decided that my purpose at this time was to become a Baron of Thakria (A post I assumed would be mine someday but not as rapid as it happened). Then it also came about that Lazarus appointed me Chancellor and Cardinal of my city. Currently I still retain my posts within Thakria and I have become one of the most powerful Sorcerers active in the land. Yes there are still those in the Lands that have the ability to destroy my animated form but they grow less in numbers as time continues, and time is something the undead have in abundance.