Long ago, during the time of Helkarakse and Urquoth, a man aged about twenty appeared in Central Park in Thakria. No-one knew whence he came. Marie was the first person in all of Avalon that he spoke to. She was then guildmistress of the Enchanters. It is rumoured that in that fateful conversation the enmity which this man bears for her was kindled in that first uttering. Fortunately, Klassi of Thakria was on hand to guide this stranger, and show him the ways of the land. He was named Macros. Far he traveled with Klassi, even to the lost city of Azrili. Klassi showed him much, and he was soon in a position to approach the Guild Masters.
In awe of the power and majesty of Thakria, and the promise of even greater strength, Macros looked towards Lord Helkarakse of the Sorcerers. He searched for a long time for the guild master of the sorcerers, but to no avail. Unknown to him, Angmar the Grim and Conquisitor Wease had been stalking him and were watching his movements. After a brief discussion, it was deemed that Macros was suitable for the sorcerers, and in the absence of Helkarakse, Wease and Angmar sought out Maedhros who duly initiated Macros into the guild.
The following day, Lord Helkarakse found Macros and declared that Mercinae was to be crushed and that as a new sorcerer, Macros should assist. Commanding mighty spirits, Helkarakse created a vast gateway from the guild to the Meeting Place in central Avalon. Upon arrival, Macros found Helkarakse, Wease and Angmar preparing to do battle. However, within moments, a vast army issued forth from the gates of Mercinae and all three great sorcerers were slain in the battle that followed; Macros survived un-noticed. Isildur had struck. As the dust settled on the scene of the battle, Macros realised that destiny was beckoning. His goal, the dominion of evil over all of Avalon. It would be many years before this came about, but the seeds of the forces of lights' destruction were sown by Isildur himself on that day.
The Diabolus, great god of evil, consented to take Macros into his order. Azrael the Black was also a new sorcerer and follower of The Diabolus and the two quickly became friends, learning much from each other. Mephisto, god of night, approached Macros one day and summoned him into his order. It was decreed that when Azrael and Macros had sufficient power, that Azrael would rule the sorcerers under The Diabolus and that Macros would lead the necromancers under Mephisto. This duly came to pass.
Upon his move to the necromancers, Macros became known as "Prince of Darkness". He moved to Parrius, where he quickly became a Baron. When he was regarded as a master of two of his many skills, Blodwyn saw fit to enter Parrius with her husband Isildur and attack Macros. On the ship of death, Macros made his plans. As he returned to material form, he summoned a host of demons. He found Blodwyn and Isildur joking about their recent fight. He unleashed his demons and Blodwyn fell before their might. Isildur swiftly vanquished them before he too was unsuccessfully attacked. When Blodwyn returned from the ship of death, Macros found himself afflicted by many ailments. Left on the Great North Road, rendered helpless by Blodwyn, he was slain by Palin: A death that he would repay many times in the future. As for Blodwyn, in recent history, Macros has faced her four times and has won on two occasions, the most recent victory going to Blodwyn.
Mephisto and Macros were planning to slowly siphon off the Parrian wealth, unfortunately, by means unknown, even today, Calladan somehow found out and ejected Macros from the barony. Macros returned to Thakria.
He laboured for a time in the Necromancers, before been called back to the sorcerers and The Diabolus. Rising in the city he became a Baron and also climbed to become the Guildmaster of the Sorcerers. This was a time in which Macros learnt to fight. Yossarian, Eshkadeth, Tragnarion, Throthgar, Snowlock, Zollrender and eventually, that most satisfying of vengeance's: Isildur fell before him. After a brief spell in Goblin Town, Macros was promoted to Junior Priest in the order of The Diabolus.
Noticing Fangthane for the first time, Macros approached him, seeking information on something known as "The cult of the long night". Fangthane introduced him to a sorcerer lord known as Pangyron. Learning the secrets, Macros brought about the Long Night, dispelling the sun from the skies, plunging Avalon into a new age of darkness.
In time one came who Macros deemed fit to further the cause of evil. One known as Shaitan. Initiating him into the Sorcerers, he began to educate the young man in the ways of darkness. As Macros was about in the land less, Shaitan took over the sorcerers and all was well. He watched Shaitan grow and saw the slow decline of good. Just as evil held almost total sway over Avalon, there was a great celestial conflict between Apollo, god of light and The Diabolus which resulted in The Diabolus ceasing to exist within the realm of Avalon. Nostradamus, god of darkness, and then patron of Thakria, allowed Macros to enter his order.
In time, seeing there was no role left in Thakria, he left his birthplace. Wandering through the land, amusing himself by slaying Conteck the animist, he stumbled across a great fortress. He claimed it for his own and declared himself Prince of Gaurthang. He works now with a select few to build a city of power to match the might of Thakria at it's peak. Having worked in secrecy for a time, Gaurthang is now strong enough to openly go forth in war if need be. Macros and Gaurthang merely await the word of Nostradamus, god of darkness.
Written by Macros