Amfiaros was born in Thakria, on the 18th of Cloudburst 869 years after the Divine War. He was standing in the beautiful and majestic Central Park. Admiring the surroundings he found a deep black orchid. The smell filled his nose, and he was enjoying every detail of this brand new world. But then suddenly several horns were blown, and alarm was raised in the city: the pirates of the Black Galleon jumped upon Thakria and were stealing its most valuable treasures. Amfiaros was confused. Should he hide? Should he help defending the city?
Luckily about that time he was approached by a Sage who led Amfiaros safely to the Thakrian Institute. He spent 4 years in the Institute learning about the land of Avalon, how to defend himself, how to attack, to sail, to ride, and many more basic abilities. One day Amfiaros almost abandoned his studies, when he was, once again, lost in the vast Greenwood. Luckily a guy called Tarkus popped in, and flew Amfiaros under the hood of his robes back to his home town. Amfiaros was impressed. Barely able to ride a mule, Tarkus mastered the art of flight! The first contact with the profession of the Loremaster was made.
When he finally graduated from the Institute Amfiaros was thrown in to the world of Avalon. Within minutes he managed to get lost again. This time in Chetwood forest. Luckily for him, Lemandree was around. Amfiaros who managed to catch a cold, was underdressed and had no gold, was taken care for by Lemandree, an Animist. Lemandree showed Amfiaros how to get hold of small amounts of gold, clothes, and food. Realising the importance of Lemandree's help, Amfiaros nowadays takes the opportunity to help other people whenever needed.
Time to choose a profession. Being "good" of nature Amfiaros hesitated between the profession of the Druid and the Loremaster. People like Hero, Gandalf , Lancelot and Tragnarion - all Barons or future Barons of Mercinae at that time - helped him, by answering the many questions he had. The combination of being able to create magical items, runes and mixing elixirs appealed greatly to Amfiaros. At that time the Loremasters of Mercinae, the Alchemists, were represented by Cuchulain, their Guildmaster. Having received all the help from the people of Mercinae, Amfiaros decided not only to join the Alchemists, but also to become a citizen of Mercinae, the City Of Light.
Eager to develop his new skills, Amfiaros studied many hours in the Alchemical Laboratory and the Library. Baltron, his tutor, being very pleased with the progress his pupil made, sent him from time to time on important quests throughout the land. This allowed Amfiaros to make detailed maps of the land, and important places like Goblin Town, Thaumacie, Alessandria and the well hidden vale of Azrili. Of course, he did not forget to mark the places where important treasures were found. The land is vast indeed, and still today, 25 years later, Amfiaros continues to detect hidden entrances and secret chambers with new treasures.
Since fighting wasn't really his cup of tea, Amfiaros approached Aldaron, the God of Life, and requested to be taken into his order of pacifists. And yes, until today Amfiaros has not killed! Questing and exploring the land, growing older and becoming more experienced is a challenge not easily undertaken for danger lurks behind every corner. Only the pure of heart can be successful. Indeed, while exploring the lands, selling his services to all kinds of people, Amfiaros has been attacked and robbed many times. And he never answered an attack by any kind of aggression. Luckily Alchemists' defensive abilities are manifold.
A good defence is important, but not always sufficient. It's been only a couple of years when Amfiaros decided to help Phaestus breaking the curse of Snowfoot. But before that, Phaestus requested that his old father should be freed from the dungeons of Pangyron's Layer. A challenge, because by becoming a member of the order of Light, lead by Orestes, Amfiaros was branded an enemy by Pangyron. Amfiaros knew a secret entrance towards Pangyron's Layer and managed to free the father of Phaestus. The old man was so weakened, Amfiaros had to carry him in his arms. Alas, with his arms full, Amfiaros was not able to hold his map, he took a couple of wrong turns, and found his way blocked by a huge panther. Out of principle Amfiaros desired not to hurt the panther, and unfortunately that was not what the panther had in mind with Amfiaros. So, Amfiaros found himself pretty soon with his back against a wall, and no way out. The panther had slain Amfiaros and left. Luckily before entering the Layer, Amfiaros did quaff a potion of Life and a potion of Adrenaline, which brought him back to life after a couple of seconds. Amfiaros went back to Snowfoot and was just in time because the old man was about to die. Out of gratitude Phaestus gave Amfiaros a couple of hints on how to break the curse of Snowfoot, which he ultimately did afterwards.
Because of his profession Amfiaros has met many people. He also likes the people of Avalon, whether they are good or evil, everybody has a story to tell, or might be in need for an elixir, a rune, or some information. One summer evening, for instance, when half of Avalon was meeting and partying Amfiaros heard a cry for help. He rushed in, and found a young man trapped by a rune in the Mages Guild. His name: Cinaed. The young fellow just graduated from the Academy and was exploring the city. Amfiaros, with Lemandree in mind, decided to help the young man with clothing, some gold, and as much information as he wanted. And boy, did he have questions. After a while it came clear that Cinaed had the same ideas as Amfiaros about his life, perhaps even more noble and pure of hearth. Thus, in the absence of Gandalf, who was then not only Prince of Mercinae, but also Guildmaster of the Alchemists, Amfiaros initiated Cinaed in the Guild of the Alchemists. The start of a strong and lasting friendship. He was very happy when Cinaed, after quite a few years was elected as Baron of Mercinae and Minister of State.
That evening a foundation was laid for the future of Amfiaros' character. Helping people in need was so rewarding in terms of his higher spirit that today, he still spends most of his time helping the young men and women all around Avalon. This has resulted in the Barony of Mercinae offering the title of Minister of Public Relations to the now 42 year old Amfiaros, Elder of the Alchemists.
His story has not ended yet, for he still travels the country in search for hidden places, unsolved mysteries, and providing help to whoever needs it. If you see him around, give him a yell. He might have something for you...
Written by Amfiaros