The morning sun broke over the ancient spires of the City of Miracles on the 25th day of Paglost, 846 days after the Divine War. The roads sparkled like stars in the midnight sky as the rays of sunlight reflected off the freshly rain soaked walkways.
On this same fated day a young weary traveler appeared in the Central Park of Thakria. His destiny had brought him to this strange land and, for now, this was where he would call home.
As Derillion explored the boundaries of his new found existence he came upon a man known to the land as Snowlock. In their many hours of discussions, Derillion found this master thief to be a mighty baron to the fair city in which he now resided. Snowlock explained the ways of this world to Derillion. He helped him to explore the many fascinations of this mysterious land. Derillion realized that he would have many more encounters with this man.
In the many years that followed Derillion grew to respect and admire Snowlock. He realized that this one man was the key to an entire city. Snowlock alone had built Thakria into an undaunting metropolis; powerful, rich and thriving. Derillion could only dream to become as mighty as Snowlock himself.
The time had come for Derillion to chose a profession; to decide how his life would unfold. He scoured the land taking in all that it would give to him, searching for his destiny. Derillion knew he thrived for power and was intrigued by the use of magic. He sought the assistance of Aerynius, a power magician. Aerynius, amused by the zeal of this young traveler initiated Derillion into the Mage's guild as an apprentice.
As a tribute his many past adventures before coming to this land he took the name Derillion, of the Seven Seas. In the next several months Derillion went about enhancing his new skills always keeping in mind his desire to attain the stature of the man he first met.
In his travels through the land of Avalon, Derillion, of the Seven Seas, came upon a mighty soothsayer. He was fascinated by this dark woman who spoke of mystic spells and powers that were unimaginable. Her morbid beauty and enthralling dominance captivated his very soul. Blodwyn told Derillion tales of an arcane and secretive guild whose powers were drawn from the stars themselves. She spoke of a folk who could inflict enormous harm upon their enemies from afar with skills that are a mystery to most. Derillion knew that he had found his destiny. His world, from this day forth, would be dictated by the stars.
The newest Seer realized that his name was not fitting to such grand power. He searched deep within his soul to find a title suitable to his new found fate; and thus, Derillion, Star Weaver, was born.
Derillion quickly rose in power within the Seers guild, deftly learning his skills. He sought the advice and training of his mentors; Snowlock for his political prowess and Blodwyn for her skills. But he found his greatest asset to be that of the tongue. His dialogue and diplomacy throughout the world had become noted. Derillion turned his learning to that of the municipality. He was fascinated by the workings of the government and saw it as a chance to gain power and influence. For years Derillion hounded Snowlock to allow him to participate in city business.
As chance has it, Snowlock saw an opportunity to make use of the new Seers skills. The barony was all but run by Snowlock alone and he needed assistance. Derillion was quickly elected into the Barony of Thakria. As the years past, Derillion became adept in the manipulation of commodities and appeasement of Thakrian citizens. Thakria was the mightiest of all cities and Derillion was apart of it.
Ordination of the newest god to the land of Avalon was on the horizon. Blodwyn, Guildmistress of the Seers, was the top contender and would make an excellent deity. Derillion fought bravely during the ordination using the power of the Seeing Stone in an attempt to counter the enemies of his mentor. After a bloody battle, victory came to Blodwyn and thus Nostradamus, the god of the Stars was born. As reward for his loyalty in battle Nostradamus named Derillion as Guildmaster of the Seers. Nostradamus epitomized all that Derillion stood for. This new god now convened over the realm which made Derillion was he was. Without hesitation, Derillion requested to be one of the first to join the order of Nostradmus, god of the Stars.
Time passed and Derillion grew in stature. His name was known throughout the land as being synonymous with Thakria and a loyal follower of the Stars. Nostradamus was without highpriest since the departure of Vanion. Derillion was quickly named as the successor to Vanion and gained the title of Highpriest to the god of the Stars. His life was now twofold; to continue the prosperity of the City of Miracles and defense of the Master Seeing Stone to which he now gained control.
Thakria prospered. It was the mightiest of all cities within the world and the time was right to push her boundaries further. Through a plan masterminded by Snowlock and Nostradamus and driven by desire of revenge for actions long since past the Thakrian barony rained siege upon Mercinae. The bloody battle drew on for months and hundreds of thousands of troops met with horrible deaths. Just days before the fall of their city, Mercinae discovered a weakness in a Thakrian battlement. The Thakrian barony could not stop it, the siege had ended.
Although the siege had been broken, Mercinae had been as well. The city was abandoned by her god and barony and thus the city was given over to Thakria. Snowlock, who had led the invasion, departed the City of Miracles to take over Coriona. Nostradamus was given the task of rebuilding Mercinae and Derillion was left to deal with post-invasion Thakria. After a time and from disgust with Mercinae, Nostradamus returned as patron of the City of Miracles.
The deities decided that city structures were to be redefined and the barony of all cities was expanded to include ministers. Additionally, a Prince was to be named for each city; one who would act as voice for the deity who patroned the city. Derillion, Star Weaver, was named as the first Prince of Thakria. Holding titles of Prince to Thakria, High Priest to the god of the Stars, and Guildmaster of the Seers, Derillion was now a very powerful man.
With the city prospering, Derillion turned his attentions to the second tasks set before him; expanding the might of the Master Seeing Stone. From high above the clouds, within the temple of Nostradamus, and with no one to counter him, Derillion stretched the influence of the Master Seeing Stone almost doubling the control it originally held. But his actions did not sit well with many. Isildur, once again a baron of Mercinae, saw his chance to wreak vengeance upon Derillion for a war long since forgotten by others. Isildur used his influence and power to gain support against the mighty Seer. Derillion now had many enemies. His deeds of expanding the Master Stone were now being thwarted by guilds within both Mercinae and Parrius. The Stone Wars had begun.
In the beginning, the battle of wills which ensued was visually unspectacular. The conflict was fought within the mind from darkened rooms using brightly flashing Seeing Stones. With time, patience and guile Derillion enslaved the seeing stones of the other mystic guilds. He blackened their palantirs making then unusable. He was gaining much ground in this war.
But Isildur saw to it to change that. His warped mind, wretched on revenge, began a campaign to slaughter Derillion. His supporters took any chance possible attempting to thwart Derillion's actions. With nowhere else to turn and virtually overwhelmed, Derillion was forced to forfeit his assaults. The Master Seeing stone was moved to a locations accessible to all of the mystic profession and the cities regained control of their boundaries. But Derillion remained in control of the Master Stone.
As both his mentors, Blodwyn and Snowlock, now sat on Olympus, Derillion felt a calling to leave the land of Avalon. His destiny was sending him to far off lands unknown to only but a few. Little did he know of the changes that would take place in this barbaric world during his absence.
Nearly 10 years pasted before Derillion returned to the shores of the City of Miracles. He found the world a much different place than his once beloved Avalon. The sorcerers ruled Thakria under the might of Shaitan. The city, which was once a mighty place filled with those who sought power was now a den for pure evil. Although the city still prospered as the most powerful in all the land, it was power dictated by fear. A blackness had spewed across the countryside. Meaningless battles ensued and encompassed all living things. Even the side of good had fallen prey to a desire for these random act of unembodied evil. Shaitan had spread his wickedness throughout the world.
Derillion's once loved patron, the god of the Stars, had forsaken the sparkling brilliance of the night sky to reign as the god of Evil in the absence of the Diabolus. Ithakus had gained control of the Master Seeing stone aided by Mercy of the Astrologers guild. And the might of the Seers guild was naught.
Tired of city politics, Derillion turned his thoughts to training and gaining a better understanding of his much neglected skills. His devotions to his city remains strong and his advise is always available to those who seek it. But his desires are to once again gain control of the Master Seeing Stone, free Thakria from the might of Ithakus, and to bring the Seer's guild back to it's former glory.
Written by Derillion, Star Weaver