Akuma Samurai, the Shadow Prowler, first arrived in Avalon on the 29th day of Mournsend, 59 years after the Divine War, under the guidance of the now long-dormant Seer and once thief Hagar, Dancer of the Night. Immediately influenced by Hagar, Akuma graduated from the Academy of Mercinae and moved to Thakria and the guild of the Seers. For some considerable while his time within the land and his grip of his specialist skills was somewhat lacking, however as time progressed he was present more often and began to master, initially, the arts of farsight and charming.
As a young man, Akuma lacked humility and the realisation that there were many others with skills much greater than his. Scared to fight and unskilled, but still desiring power, he was quick to step in when there was some turmoil within his guild, and at several moments challenged the guildmaster of the Seers for the position, being quickly and often harshly dealt with by Nostradamus, the god of darkness. His eagerness led him to his first patron, Wraith, but this was an ill-thought decision which was not suited to his personal situation. Over time, Akuma's reputation with Nostradamus and some of his fellow guildmembers worsened. At the same time, though, his friendship with the land's creator, Genesis, the god of time, was developing, and upon reaching Legendary proficiency in the skill of farsight, he was accepted into His Order of then relatively few people. Proud of this achievement, Akuma began to visit the land more regularly, and his skill progression increased. For years, Akuma lay quiet in the land, not making his presence felt, slowly learning his skills until they were of considerable worth. However, by the event of his reaching the level of Ultimate in farsight, Akuma felt that he had gone unnoticed by the population of Avalon, and his relationship with Nostradamus, at the time his guild and city patron, was unsatisfactory. It was time for change. Akuma did not move from his guild or city, for the fierce loyalty which he felt toward them, instead he opted for a different guise. And so, Darkseer Sorithia, the Occult, was born into Avalon. Sorithia did not wish to keep this fact a secret, but only immediately told the members of his city and guild. Akuma's body and ability had remained, but his soul was gone forever.
Gradually, Sorithia redeveloped his relationships with his guildmembers, from scratch. Although initially some of his friends still remebered him as Akuma, the memory is now long in the past, and, Sorithia would believe, for the better. Sorithia also re-established a relationship with Nostradamus, and although they have never been close, nowadays it is certainly better than ever before.
After time, Sorithia felt that it was time to make his presence known amongst the people of Avalon. With the highest proficiency in the wielding of palantirs, Sorithia sought out The Lord, Shaitan, then Prince of Thakria and the land's most feared individual. The time of the Ordination quest was approaching, where just one player surpasses mortality and is transformed to a divinity, and Thakria, just as Mercinae and Parrius, was establishing its power throughout the land. A time was chosen when few people walked the continent, and the master palantir, in the Room of the Stars, was taken into possession by Sorithia. This victory was to be quashed, though, within just one Avalon month. Ithakus, the previous owner of the stone, re-established his control only days afterwards. Sorithia was bitter. Humbled by his defeat, he realised that he was not such a formidable individual after all, and decided he must balance his skills by training as a fighter. After obtaining his second Ultimate skill, in fatalism, Sorithia launched on a rampage, attacking those even twice the might of his own. For two years this continued, until one time Sorithia happened to meet by accident with one of the most important animists within the land, Mr. Lemandree. That day, Sorithia made a shocking discovery. He was told that his bloodlust was at two-hundred and fifty, the maximum possible. Sorithia knew that if he was officially challenged and then slain, his experience level would drop by twenty-five percent, and he would lose twenty-five safe encounters on the ship of the dead, which would lower his skills to less than eighty percent, since he was already below his maximum capacity. Thus, Sorithia had to be careful, and lay low upon the event of a challenge. Ashamed and defaced by the knowledge that he would have to depart the land were he attacked, Sorithia tried his utmost to avoid confrontation. However, on one occasion, he was unable to keep himself from a fight. Having been challenged by Silk, one of the Parrian Barons, and a Rogue, he promptly departed the land in the knowledge that death would be fatal to his character. Upon returning later, he was unable to see that Silk was still in the land, but under the nickname of another. Little did he know that the official records of challenges remained, since both parties had not yet departed the continent. Unprepared and defenceless, Sorithia was attacked by Silk, previously in the form of the Cat, and was slain. After departing the ship of death and granted another lease of life by the Divinities, Sorithia discovered to his horror that his skill proficiency was at just seventy-eight percent of its maximum capacity, and his expercience had dropped to such a level where he was no longer able to fight.
Humiliated by his loss, Sorithia decided it was necessary to become a somewhat passive individual for some time, and sought to regain his experience whilst pursuing other interests for his guild and city. Upon the Ordination of The Lord, Shaitan to The Messiah, and then to Lazarus, the god of pain, Sorithia was appointed as an Aide to the Ministry of State in Thakria, allowing him to manage city produce and various trade and treasury proceedings. Around the same time, The Foreigner, the guildmaster of the Seers, was forced to take leave of Avalon for a prolonged period, and guildmastership was handed to Sorithia, who was supported by the majority of guildmembers. To the present day, Sorithia still remains to regain some of his experience, but he has become a help to his city and the younger members of his guild. For the future, Sorithia remains optimistic... he intends to complete the replenishing of his level and once again attempt to train as a fighter, but with a little more success.
Written by Sorithia