Avalon is a large continent surrounded on east, south and west by sea. On the mainland the layout can be oversimplified to four distinct areas. To the south (where the Meeting Place is) is City of Mercinae, to the northwest is the City of Thakria, on the central plains is the City of Silverfalls, and to the far east is the City of Parrius; where the four cities lie. The central west of Avalon is mainly woodland (The Greenwood), while the southwest is home to the Goblin City and the concentration of the evil Star-Sorcerer.
New players should be wary of travelling to the wildlands without some form of protection, or else you may find yourself getting hurt! Your aim is to score experience points by performing quests, slaying things, or just by living out your life in Avalon, to gain gold coins from treasure, quests and commerce, and most importantly to build yourself a well-rounded character. The highest possible level (although it is hardly realistic to call it that) is the God, beings of supreme power with great influence over mortals lives.