It is possible to imbed magical charms within the confines of an item, and for those not skilled in magic to use them. Magical items are both valuable and desirable - they are created by uniting the two skills of Charming and Alchemy. A member of the Alchemists, Artisans or Loremasters Guild will take hold of a suitable item (an amulet, a wand, a ring, etc.) and imbed the focus of a magical charm within it. They will then call upon one suitably skilled in Charming to pass essence to the item while they concentrate on charging it up. Different items can hold different number of charges, and the potency of the item is dependent on the skill in Alchemy of the person charging it.
See HELP CHARMS to review a list of common charms which can be imbedded in a magical item. To use the power of a magical item, type POINT followed by the item, followed by whom you wish to point it at. POINT WAND ME would cast the magic charm from a wand at yourself, for instance. Ensure the target of your charm (if applicable) can be reached by your pointed artifact else the effort may cost you your equilibrium.
See also HELP CRAFTSMEN for details of the specialist craftsmen whose labours can be summoned by guildmasters and city leaders, to create artifacts for their fellows.