Your skills are perhaps the singlemost important aspect of your character development. There are fifty skillsets in Avalon, each with up to sixty abilities; thus thousands of separate abilities available to you as you push your skill prowess along.
The gap between each skill rank grows as you reach higher, thus the gap between Poor and Apprentice is relatively small, while the gap between Legendary and Ultimate is very significant indeed. It is possible to push a skill above the point of Ultimate, to a level known as the 'crowning point' - this is detailed if you look at HELP ULTIMATE. If a skill is preceded by a "--->" in your SKILLS list then you will know you have reached the 'crowning point' or 'arrowed Ultimate'. This point brings at least one special, supremely potent ability per skill and represents a perfect mastery that cannot be surpassed by anyone else in the land.
Skill Rank:
1. Beginner.
2. Poor.
3. Apprentice.
4. Practitioner.
5. Competent.
6. Respected.
7. Renowned.
8. Master.
9. Grand-Master.
10. Legendary.
11. Ultimate.
12. Crowned-Ultimate.
Type SKILLS to look over your current range of skills and use AB <skill name> to list abilities attached to a specific skill.