Parameters are as follows:
<dirn> - A compass direction.
<target> - Name of another player, character or creature.
<name> - Name of another player only.
<object> - Name of an object, creature or character.
<item> - Name of an item.
<skill> - Name of a skill.
<amount> - Numerical value, e.g. number of gold coins.
Items in square brackets [] are optional, and if left out the command will automatically affect you or the room in which you stand.
Movement in a compass direction: North, NorthEast, East, SouthEast, South, SouthWest, West, NorthWest Up, Down, IN, and OUT or SWIM or STEER followed by a direction.
Syntax | Meaning
ENTER <object> | Attempts to enter the <object>.
LEAVE <object> | Leaves something you have just entered.
BOARD <object> | Attempts to board the <object>.
CLIMB <object> | Makes an attempt to climb <object>.
EXITS (or X) | Lists exits from location.
LOOK [<dirn>] | Takes a long look in <dirn> or location.
GLANCE [<dirn>] | Takes a quick look.
SQUINT <dirn> | To squint in a specific direction.
DOORS | To review all doors in the locale.
GET <item> | Attempts to pick up the specified <item>.
INFO <item> | To discover an item's unique number.
SALEVALUE <item> <gold> | To set up the sale value of an item.
DROP <item> | Drops <item> from your inventory.
INVENTORY | Gives a list of your possessions.
UNLOCK DOOR <dirn> | Unlocks and opens a door in <dirn>.
OPEN DOOR <dirn> | Opens an unlocked door.
CLOSE DOOR <dirn> | Closes an open door without locking it.
LOCK DOOR <dirn> | Closes and Locks the door in <dirn>.
EXAMINE <target> | Looks more closely at <target>.
SMELL <object> | Smells the odour of an <object>.
FEEL <object> | Feels the texture of an <object>.
OPEN <object> | Attempts to open an <object>.
CLOSE <object> | Closes an <object> previously opened.
UNLOCK <object> | Attempts to unlock a locked <object>.
LOCK <object> | Attempts to lock up an unlocked <object>
CONNECT <item> TO <item> | Attaches one <item> to another <item>.
GET <item> FROM <item> | Gets one <item> from inside another.
PUT <item> IN <item> | Puts one <item> inside another.
RUB <poison> ON <item> | Rubs a poison on an <item>.
SAY <text> | Says <text> to those in your location.
QW, WHO, BW, CIT, GMW | Listing other players in Avalon.
<name> <text> | Tells <name> your <text> directly.
SHOUT <text> | Shouts your <text> across the land.
LAUGH, SMILE, GRIN | Personal emotion commands.
HUG, KISS <target> | Emotions directed at <target>.
EMOTE/EMS <text> | General emotions to room.
LEAD <target> | Attempts to lead <target> about.
FOLLOW <name> | Starts to follow <name>.
LOSE <target> | Loses <target> who is following you.
MOUNT <target> | To begin riding <target>.
DISMOUNT | To dismount from your steed.
TETHER <steed> | To dismount and tether up your steed.
ORDER <target> <command> | Orders <target> to perform tasks. See HELP ORDER.
ORDER ENTOURAGE <cmd> | Orders all your entourage around.
ENTOURAGE | To list your full entourage.
DRAG <target> | Drags an unconscious or sleeping target with you.
MSG <player> <text> | Sends a message of <text> to <player>.
RMSG [<number>] | Reads your current messages.
CMSG | Clears your message store.
BB | Enters the Bulletin Board.
READBB <section> <number> | To read from the public bulletin board.
FRIENDS | Lists your closest friends.
FRIEND <name> <amount> | Makes <name> a friend of <amount>.
ENEMIES | Lists your deadliest enemies.
ENEMY <name> <amount> | Makes <name> an enemy of <amount>.
REQUEST LETTER | Asks for a letter from the Post Office.
LETTERS | To list letters in your inventory.
ERASE LETTER | Wipes an existing letter ready for use.
WRITE LETTER | Writes text into your letter.
ADDRESS LETTER <player> | Addresses your letter to a character.
POST LETTER | Posts a letter into a post-box.
TRASH LETTER | Disposes of a letter for recycling.
PIN LETTER/NOTE | Pins up a letter or note.
SCORE or QS | Gives an indication of your progress.
LEVELS | Lists those levels below yours.
STATUS | Your character's status and well-being.
DEFENCES | Your character's extra-ordinary defences.
GET GOLD <amount> | Takes gold from the ground.
DROP GOLD <amount> | Drops gold from your purse.
GIVE <num> GOLD TO <name> | Gives gold to another.
GIVE <object> TO <player> | Gives one of your items to another.
DEPOSIT <amount> | To deposit gold in a Royal bank.
WITHDRAW <amount> | To withdraw gold from a Royal bank.
SUMMON SHIP | Summons the Ship of the Dead.
SLEEP | Make an attempt to go to sleep.
WAKE | To rouse yourself once sleeping.
MEDITATE | Places you in a trance of meditation.
EAT <item> | Eats an item of food.
DRINK <item> | Drinks a beverage or magical potion.
QUAFF <potion> | To quaff an alchemical potion.
APPLY <herb> | Applies a herb in the form of paste.
SKILLS | Lists your skills, and proficiencies.
HELP <skill> | Detailed information on a <skill>.
GROUPSTATUS or GS | To list those players in your group.
AID <target> | Gives <target> your valuable aid.
GUIDE <player> | To declare your intention to guide somebody.
CHALLENGES | To review all active challenges.
ISSUE CHALLENGE <player> | To issue a formal challenge to a foe.
RETRACT CHALLENGE <player> | To revoke a formal challenge.
LEARN <skill> FROM <name> | To learn a <skill> from <name>.
TEACH <skill> TO <name> | Offers <name> a lesson in <skill>.
RESEARCH <skill> <item> | To research a skill from an item.
HIT or PUNCH <name> | Attacks <target> using your bare hands.
KICK <name> | Kicks out against <name> with your foot.
JAB <name>/BASH <name> | Attempt to jab or bash <name>.
WIELD RIGHT <item> | Places <item> in your right hand.
WIELD LEFT <item> | Places <item> in your left hand.
UNWIELD LEFT/RIGHT | Stops wielding an item in specific hands.
THROW <item> at <name> | Attempts to hurl <item> at <name>.
GOODS | Lists the items available for sale.
APPRAISE <item> | See how much a shop offers for <item>.
SELL <item> | Attempts to sell off <item>.
BUY <item> | Purchases <item> from a shop.
GOODS <item+num> | Gives you a detailed summary of <item>.
GOODS <itemtype> | Lists items available of specific type.
STOCK <item> | Does a GOODS on all things like <item>.
WISH <text> | Conveys <text> to all divinities.
OFFER <item>/<amount> | Offers an <item> or <amount> to a deity.
DIVINITIES | Lists the feelings of the Gods.
SUPPLICATE <god> | Supplicates yourself to a divine Order.
PATRON <name> | Selects a deity as your patron.
UNPATRON <deity> | Leaves the followers Order of <deity>.
PRAY <text> | Offers a prayer to the local deity.
FOLLOWERS/ORDER | To view your patron's upper and lower Order.
PROTECTED | To view those under divine protection.
CONTENDERS | To view the contenders for Ordination.
ELECTIONS | To view all of your elections.
CANDIDATES <election> | List candidates in a specific election.
VOTE <election> <player> | Votes for a player in an election.
STANDDOWN <election> | To stand down if you are in an election.
CHALLENGE [master] | Issues a challenge to your Guildmaster.
QUESTION <baron> | Questions the authority of <baron>.
POLITICS |To view the questioning, if any, of the barony.
REQUEST ACCOLADE | To request a guild honour quest.
REQUEST HONOUR | To request an accolade quest.
REMEMBER | To remember a quest given to you.
SUCCESS | To inform your taskmaster of success.
ADMIT FAILURE | To admit your failure and quit a quest.
ACCOLADES | To view the accolades you have gained.
HONOURS | To view the honours you have gained.
RANK | To view your rank within your guild.
PROBE <item> | To use the Itemlore skill on an item.
LIGHT <item> | Attempts to set light to <item>.
WEAR <item> | Puts on <item> of clothing.
REMOVE <item> | Removes worn <item>
READ <item> | To read an item.
COLLECT | To collect like commodities together.
RACECOM | To review wolfhound races commands.
HELP IMMORTALS | To gain help in The Immortal Combat.
BECOME <immortal> | To become one of the Immortals.
FLAGSTATUS | To gain status on the latest Flag Quest.
FLAGTEAMS <team> | To gain information on a Flag Team.
WEATHER | To assess the current weather.
HOSTILE | To act with hostility, and secrecy.
FRIENDLY | To act friendly and open.
FIGHTBRIEF/FIGHTVERBOSE | To gain brief or verbose combat text.
RELAX/CONCENTRATE | To relax your guard or concentrate hard.
IGNORE TREES/NOTICE TREES | To ignore or notice nearby trees/large flora.
TIME | To view the time (in and out of Avalon).
DATE | To view the date (in and out of Avalon).
REGISTER | To register your details with Avalon.
SYSBELL | To call the System Operators.
CREDITS | To view your current credit status.
CLS | To clear the contents of your screen.
TERMS | To view Avalon's Terms and Conditions.
PASSWORD | To change your Avalon password.
DREAM | To commence one of the Avalon dreams.