The skills of Herbs and Poisons are the natural domain of the Druid and Ranger professions with Poisons also practiced as a guild-skill of the Thief profession class. These professions can develop the skills as far as they like, individually, free to take lessons from players and CCCs alike.
The ability to pick, plant and use herbs and poisons concerns all Avalonians, however, and while the skills themselves are native to the aforementioned professions, it is possible for ALL players beyond apprentice to be taught Herbs or Poisons so they possess the diverse ability-set in their own right.
The Druid profession has sole authority on the teaching of Herbs outside of the Druid and Ranger classes. The Ranger and Thief professions decide between them on the teaching of Poisons to the Knight, Mage, Sorcerer, Bard, Seer and Loremaster professions. Druid, Ranger and Thief (for poisons) can learn as they wish. These are the native professions.
The Gods have a small role in Herbs and Poisons spread: they decide whether teaching is native profession only or independent like any general skill and thus possible for anyone so long as the teacher is more skilled than the pupil. The default is native professions only - see SETTINGS for current conditions.
In the latter case: while the first lesson must originate with a practitioner of the native class, after that point anyone with superior Herbs or Poisons can teach no matter their profession. In the former case: after the first lesson - which establishes the skill on your SKILLS list and gives you the right to develop it - subsequent teaching requires can only be done by natives. This means Druids and Rangers only for Herbs and Rangers, Thieves and Druids for Poisons.
Type SETTINGS to see current convention. It is invariably native-profession teaching only to give the Druid, Ranger and Thief greater influence on the spread.
Syntax: TEACH <herbs/poisons> TO <pupil>.
To obtain these skills you must seek out a member of the native profession for the all-important first lesson: Druids only for Herbs, Rangers or Thieves for Poisons. It is through the first lesson that you get access to full development of the skill though it always requires lessons taught by native profession teacher. Be aware: the whole of Avalon will know when you are taught this vital first lesson and the event is logged to your HISTORY file including the date and the teacher.
Syntax: UNTEACH <skill> FROM <lesser practitioner>.
This command is documented in HELP UNTEACH and is used by native wielders of the inherited skill to reverse the effects of unauthorised learning.
There are various commands associated with herb and poison usage. Some are available only to those with the Herbs or Poisons skills - the growing, picking and preparing side - while others are available to everyone in Avalon - the using, storing, selling and buying.
TEACH HERBS/POISONS TO <who> To teach a lesson in the specified skill.
UNTEACH <skill> FROM <who> For native high-skilled to retract lessons.
ANALYSE [<herb>/<poison>] Analyses a particular herb or poison.
PREPARE <herb>/<poison> Turns a raw herb or poison into usable form.
PICK <herb>/<poison> To pick herbs from their native habitat.
HERBS Tells you whether herbs are present.
POISONS Tells you whether poisons are present.
HERBLIST/POISONLIST Uses the Itemlore summary list commands.
POUCHLIST Pouch summary (needs Scholarship "pouchlist").
Poisons can be added to weapons (RUB <herb> ON <weapon), or to arrows by the same method. You can add poisons to traps too.
EAT/SMOKE/DRINK/APPLY To utilise a herb/poison four different ways.
FILL PIPE WITH <herb/poison> Fills the bowl of a pipe with the herb or poison.
FILL <container> WITH <what> Places the herb/poison in a container of water.
INP <#> <herb/poison> Places the <#> number of herb/poison in a pouch.
OUTP <#> <herb/poison> Removes <#> number of a herb/poison from pouch.