Avalon has no blanket restrictions placed against you or anybody else playing a second character. If done correctly, this can be a very rewarding experience. What is frowned upon, however, is the use of a second character without a sense of roleplay - as a mere appendix of the main character without independent aims of its own. The deities will act harshly against mortals utilising their first character knowledge to advance their second unreasonably quickly or victimising genuine youngsters with superior, pre-learned skill. Mortals concerned about unfair play of seconds may approach the Gods with their worries. Accusations will NOT replace deity intervention or judgement but merely add an extra avenue for mortals to formalise their accusations against one another.
In addition to deity vigilance there is a way for mortals to ensure fairplay amongst themselves. This is the accusations system. Every Avalon year you are free to level an accusation against a suspected second character. To do this type ACCUSE <name of second character> OF <name of first character>. You may accuse only one person, once per Avalon year. The accused will hear of your complaint. If, come the New Year, sufficient accusations have been levelled correctly against a specific second character then that second will suffer a permanent branding. This branding will restrict their ability to incur bloodlust, prevent them from fighting peers and various other punitive measures.
Accusations are NOT to be used irresponsibly and, ultimately, it will remain the decision of the Olympians whether a mortal is branded for inappropriate behaviour. The aim here is to restrict the freedom to persecute and/or cheat of badly played seconds but not to penalise genuinely independent second characters. Bear that in mind when considering whether to make an accusation. It cannot be retracted.