HEALHAND Heal health depending on your skill.
FIREBOLT Shoot a firebolt at an enemy in adjacent location.
HANDBURN Primary charming attack, burning an enemy.
LEVITATE To levitate a few feet into the air.
AURA To wreath yourself in an aura of protection.
LOCATE Locating players, items and creatures about Avalon
SUMMON To summon a player or loyal creature to you.
INVISIBLE To cloak yourself in invisibility.
TELEPORT To create a teleport pill of your current location.
SLEEP To send a target into a deep slumber.
SPY Cast in a direction to spy through obstructions.
SPARKLE Cascades sparkling stars onto you to cure webbing.
PHYSICAL Charm of physical restoration and resurrection.
BLIND To blind a target, or yourself.
DEAF To deafen a target, or yourself.
BRAND To brand a target with the mark of the Dark Lord.
SIGHT To give sight to a target, or yourself.
HEARING To restore hearing to a target, or yourself.
CLOAK To shroud yourself or another in invisibility.
SHIELD Conjures a shield of arrow deflection about you.
WEB Smothers a foe in a magical web of constraint.
ICEWALL Creates a wall of ice to hinder enemies.
DISGUISE To wreath yourself in an illusionary disguise.
NULLIFY Nullifies magical defences about an enemy.
FIREWALL Raises a wall of fire to harm enemies passing by.
WERELIGHT Summons a sprite of light to illuminate your way.
COLDCONE Brings about a cone of cold to freeze your enemies.
FIREBALL Sprays enemies or adjacent locations with fire.
PENTACLE Charms a pentacle of protection about your person.
FEEBLE Weakens your enemies, causing them to drop possessions.
ANTIDOTE Antidote to many afflictions and poisons.
DEFLECTION Deflects the attentions of sensors and seeing stones.
COMPULSION Placing your foe in a weak state of mind.
BLASTDOOR Blasting open a locked door.
DIAGNOSIS Performing a self-diagnosis of your afflictions.
TRUELOCATION Locating everybody in Avalon at once.
REVELATION To reveal astral, demonic and ethereal presences.
PROJECTION To project a ritual to a specific foe.
TRAVERSAL Travelling to a distant player after time.
CONSTRICTION Constricting movement of your foes in an area.
ASTRALBOND To trace a crown of astral bonding about your head.
MAGICRUSH A rush of faster equilibrium for a short period.
BUGBANISH Banishes rune bugs that hold your loyalty.
FREEZING Freezing your opponent with an icy aura.
Almost all the above charms can be imbedded in items by anyone proficient enough in the Alchemy skill.