The ORDER command is the main way to interact with CCCs - computer controlled characters - where you type ORDER followed by the CCC you wish to order, followed by one of the many directives as listed below, and then the specifics appropriate to that directive, e..g. ORDER EAGLE MARCH NORTH or ORDER MAN GET DAGGER. MARCH and GET are the directives in these two examples. You can issue one ORDER command every quarter of a second, so four per second.
Syntax: ORDER <creature> <directive> [<parameters>].
SLAY - Attacking another player or CCC.
RETREAT - Cease to attack another player or CCC.
MARCH - Marching specific directions.
ENTER - Orders a CCC to enter something.
FOLLOW - Following another player.
SLEEP - Going to sleep.
LOYAL - To change your underling's loyalty.
GUARD - Guarding specific directions.
HOSTILE - Always attacks enemies or potential enemies.
VISIBLE - Orders a member of your entourage visible.
PASSIVE - Will not attack at any time.
FOLLOWER - Makes your CCC friend a follower.
LEADER - Ensures that your CCC friend will not follow.
ALIGNED - Will base belligerence on alignment.
UNALIGNED - Will not base belligerence on alignment.
SAY - Orders your CCC to say sentences.
EMOTE - Orders your CCC to project emotions.
HEAL - Orders a magical CCC to heal itself.
BERSERK - Orders your loyal CCC to go berserk and attack everybody.
CALM - Orders your loyal CCC to cease berserk status.
INVISIBLE - Orders a magical CCC to go invisible.
GET [GOLD] - Orders your friend to take an item.
DROP [GOLD] - Orders your friend to drop an item.
INV - Orders your friend to tell you what is held.
ACT - Orders your companion to act immediately.
See HELP ORDERFULL for further information.