The Gods are the arbiters of the Immortal Combat: a fight to the death in simple, direct combat between the "immortal avatars" - heroic figures whose guise is assumed by individual players. These immortal avatars are high health and mana, hard hitting and all of precisely equal stature: so the Immortal Combat is a level playing field. No one player has advantages over another except their innate skill and ability to cope under pressure.
Syntax: BECOME followed by the name of an immortal.
This is the command you use to select an immortal avatar. You issue the BECOME command followed by the immortal's name (as listed below) and, providing you do so during a "gathering" phase, you will be whisked off to the Chamber of Creation to await the start of the Combat.
Syntax: READY while in the Chamber of Creation at the "gathering" stage.
The Combat is begun by the presiding deity. You can type READY in the Chamber of Creation to ensure your equipment, skills, abilities and defences are all perfectly set-up as per the Combat rules. Then, be poised. The moment you are told the "combat" phase has started, twelve exits will appear in the Chamber, leading to different points in the combat venue (where you are to fight, e. g. the arena or battleisle). Take an exit, gain a free refresh and divine healing, and you enter the fray. From that point on you must fight or die. There can be only one.
Syntax: RULES to see rules, LIST to see fellow participants.
The Immortal Combat is simple and you can type RULES when a Combat is gathering/underway (or IMMORTAL RULES at other times) to look over the rules and options as they apply to your current competition. These rules can be altered by the presiding deity and tend to be defined during the gathering phase. Read them closely: they are few but all have a direct bearing on the Combat itself. You can review current immortal avatars by typing IMMORTALS LIST - or just LIST if you are an immortal yourself - to gain info, to an extent defined by the rules of the Combat.
Geronimo, last of the Indians.
Beowulf, the beast-slayer.
Brunhilde the Last Valkyrie.
Richard Coeur de Lion.
Boudicea, Queen of the Iceni.
Alexander the Great.
Erik the Red.
Vangorn Ericson.