It is sometimes hazardous to travel the wilder parts of Avalon, and this discourages those who wish to give their time to introduce somebody to this complex world. Most of those genuinely new to Avalon will require aid, since it is both disconcerting and overwhelming. Since it benefits both the land as a whole, and your city/guild/individual progress within Avalon, the divinities have provided a safe method for guiding new or young players.
Syntax: GUIDE <young/junior player>.
Godly protection will be afforded to anybody who types: GUIDE followed by the name of a player beneath the tenth level that they will be guiding. You will need to have the young player in your entourage to guide them. While under divine protection, you will remain on full health and full mana no matter what happens to you - thus you will be safe from most violent attacks. There ARE still hazards, however, including the Dragon of Sapience, the divine Guardians; those dangers whose offensive capability is beyond simple depletion of health/mana.
While you are guiding - and you will see this in your prompt, including the name of the junior being guided - you can type ALLHEALE or PURGE at any time to use the divinely blessed "guide" status to perform an instant and comprehensive allhealing of your afflictions, a refresh of your wounds and mana, and a purge of all violent CCCs (demons included) in your location and acting aggressively against you e..g. a parasite demon draining your health or a summoned familiar attacking you each round. There is no equilibrium or balance use or requirements for the guided allheale/purge. It is an exceptional but well-deserved privilege.
There is an additional facet to guiding known as "insight" - providing the youngster with a direct sensory experience akin to being 'in the skin' of the more experienced guide. To use this the guide types INSIGHT followed by the youngster he/she wishes to provide full insight for; and thenceforth the youngster will see and experience Avalon precisely through the eyes of the guide. It is as close as one can get to having someone else watching your 'screen'. Insight can be removed by either the guide or the youngster typing INSIGHT OFF and in doing so, all insights will be cancelled. This command should be used wisely and sparingly for it can be overwhelming to one not so experienced in the ways of Avalon; but conversely it is a great aid when trying to convey the diversity and quality of this world - or attempting to explain a complex methodology. Insight can be given only to those within the first quarter year of Avalon life.
There is much potential for abuse of this divine gift, and for that reason great punishment will be doled out by the deities to anybody caught using this protection to aid them in harming others. Every time the guide protection is evoked, the Gods are informed and a permanent record of your deed is kept. You should consider it your duty to aid novices if you are a Baron or a Guildmaster - it is part of the responsibility of one in such a lofty position. Often the deities reward the virtuous guide, so it can be a fine method of courting favour too.
See HELP STAFF for information about the Avalon staff guides. If you were looking for info about the Complete Guide to Avalon tome, see HELP COMPLETE.