Syntax: MENTOR <junior player>.
The early stages of a new Avalonians are usually the most difficult - coming to terms with the new medium, striking out unsure of what to do next after graduation, and learning enough of the vast land to plot an enjoyable and purposeful course through it. To aid this, all 'experienced' Avalonians are able to offer themselves as mentors to their younger companions. Mentors are responsible for the integration and tuition of their apprentices, to ensure their apprentices' questions are answered and that the new blood is given a role, a purpose and, most importantly, the ability to see a future for themselves within the hurly-burly of the Avalonian landscape.
To take a new youngster under your wing, type MENTOR <youngster> and if they are agreeable, you will be responsible for their well-being. You may type APPRENTICES at any time to gain a list of your up and coming apprentices. Do not waste this position and do not take on more apprentices than you can handle. It is a great responsibility and a youngster may have only one mentor.
Syntax: ADOPT <younger player>.
There is also the facility to go one step further than mentorship - adoption - useful primarily when one wants to give a young player use of the full range of Farming and Labours abilities. Adoption effectively hands over your Farming and Labours skills to the adopted individual, while the adoptee sacrifices theirs. In the case of an elder adopting a neophyte this will mean the elder's high skills are subsequently usable by the younger and NOT by the elder - for the duration of the Avalon year. The elder's skills will be nil. At the end of the Avalon year the skills return to their former settings.
Syntax: UNADOPT <adopted player>.
In case one changes his or her mind about their mentorship, one may unadopt to return everything to the way it was, prior to the adoption. You would do well to keep in mind that you may only adopt a player once per Avalon year.
This will show you if anyone has taken mentorship over you, and also if you have taken mentorship over anyone else.
NOTE: you cannot adopt a player older in Avalon years than yourself, regardless of skill-levels. This means an old returnee with low Farming and Labours will need to advance without your help. On the bright side, they gain Farming and Labours more quickly than a young Avalonian.