Beneath the Avalon continent, far beyond the reach of even the Gods, lies the ancient underworld. But one point in Avalon, in the darkest of labyrinths, will afford entry for those who desire it. Should you find that diabolical gateway, you may DESCEND beyond the reach of mortal and deity alike. More commonplace than the finding of the gateway is opening a portal of one's own using the globe-staves, evoking the UNDERWURLDE power. See HELP GLOBESTAVES for detailed information on using them.
The underworld is not governed by the same laws as the mainland; only the Omnipotent Gods may even set foot there. Disfavours and favours from all but Genesis, the god of time have no effect. Bloodlust and protection are unknown. The Ship of the Dead simply leads back to the underworld. Equilibrium and balance are regained twice as fast as on the surface. Potions and magical items are never exhausted, while your herb pouches, utility belts and rune belts will afford an infinite supply. Upon descent, an image of your soul, and your possessions will be held in the halls of Olympus, and upon return, you will be in exactly the same state as you left.
Your former state will be returned you when you ASCEND back to Avalon. Take with you then all of the possessions you require, ensure that you are equipped as best you can. The underworld is a place of great peril and bitter conflict, of learning, and only fitting to those of the most doughty spirit.