All the great cities of Avalon have a gigantic holy globe, positioned at the altar of the city's patron or main divine protector. This holy globe acts as a transcendent power-source for the globe-stave.
- examine globestave
"The globestave is one of the most mystical of all Avalon's great artifacts, woven as it has been with some of the deepest enchantments known to mortalkind: the temple-altar globes, the ley-lines, the gemstone alchemy, all the way through to the fabled touch of divine ichor said to have provided the first-waterdrop to the gnarled darkwood tree from whose branches it has been carved. It stands seven feet in height and the wood at its crown forms symmetrical fronds arranged to form a cupola cage for a crystal orb. You can barely make out the precise curves of the orb for not only is it emitting an indigo light of such intensity you cannot look directly for more than mere seconds, but it seems to shed ripples of light-folds (also indigo) in ever increasing circles about the epicentre. It is a strange, unnerving and otherworldly effect."
The gigantic holy globe gives a range of powers to simpaticos (citizens, temple myrmidons) under the direction of the Cardinal. These powers are docuented in HELP GLOBE and then HELP GP (short for HELP GLOBEPOWERS). Do not confuse the powers of the holy globe - a fixed item - and the powers of the globe-stave - the portable personal artifact.
The globe-stave has two states: fixed and unfixed. Fixed means it is rooted in a location and cannot be easily moved. This tends to be the state used when activating a globe-stave power. Unfixed means it is not rooted and can be easily picked up or moved around or carried in your inventory. There are limits to how many you can carry at one time and a maximum number of globe-staves under your mastery, in play, anywhere around the land at one time.
This command is an extra-sensory perception and it tells you about all your globe-staves in public 'openplay' or in your inventory or stashed anywhere in the land. This is a Constitution ability, see AB CONSTITUTION GLOBESTAVES for latest syntax and usage.
Syntax: RETRIEVE <globestave##> e..g. RETRIEVE GLOBESTAVE1234.
It is possible to use telekensis over long distances to summon one of your globe-staves directly into your inventory. This is done using the "retrieve" ability in Constitution, latest info in AB CONSTITUTION RETRIEVE.
The portable globe-staves, fixed or unfixed, are differentated by colour - the colour of the little sphere clasped by the head of the staff. The colour represents how much power is held by the globe-stave. White means none; then it goes from red to violet following the spectrum, each successive colour denoting greater power. Red is weakest, then yellow, green, blue is over half full of power, indigo then violet means fully empowered.
Syntax: GP GLOBESTAVE <colour>.
The only holy globe power we need to list here is the one responsible for creating portal globe-staves, for you. Stand by the gigantic holy globe of your homeland and, so long as it has enough energy to give, use GP GLOBESTAVE followed by a colour to manifest a new globe-stave under your mastery. The new globe-stave will have its own little sphere empowered and ready for you to utilise based on the colour you specified. Newly created globe-staves are unfixed and in your inventory, by default. The more power you want in the newly created globe-stave, the more energy it will need to pull from the gigantic unholy globe source.
Syntax: GP EMPOWER <globestave###>.
Call upon the gigantic unholy globe to send energy directly into your globe-stave, to empower it. The GP EMPOWER command can be issued at long distance and the energy you summon will crackle across the world until it finds you.
Type HELP POWERS to gain a list of the globe-stave powers/abilities available through empowered globestaves using the GLOBESTAVE or GBS command. Each power is documented along with its syntax and usage.