Auctions are regular events in the realm and each month it is usual for three trinkets (items of unique or singular value) new to the world to be given a first outing - and released into the world - through auction to highest bidder.
The way auctions work is very simple and most know the format. An item or service is placed up for auction and everyone involved can BID as high or as low as he/she likes. The auction is set to last for a certain number of days. When the auction is finished, the person who bidded highest wins the item or service as if bought directly from the Curiosity Shop or owner. Most auctions have "reserve price" set which is a lowest bid allowed and if the auction did not garner bids above that "reserve" then the item is not sold at all. Reserve prices tend to be very low but most trinket auctions have them.
Auctions tend to last for SEVEN DAYS of "real world" time or half an Avalon year and tend to be at the start of the month.
Shows you all the auctions currently either underway or about to begin along with which items or services are being auctioned.
Syntax: AUCTION <trinket or service>.
Specify the trinket or service in the AUCTION command you will be able to delve more deeply into the details of the trinket's content or the service specifics. You should also look at the TRINKET <trinket##> command for help on the artifact itself as per HELP TRINKETS.
Syntax: BID <amount> FOR <trinket or service>.
The BID command is used to place a bid on your behalf for the trinket or service you specify. Make sure you are precise. The BID is made in US dollars "real money" and not soft currency Avalon gold coins. It is wise to specify the number of the trinket or service as listed in AUCTIONS to ensure your bid is attached to the right item.
All those who bid in an auction will be told immediately new bids are made either in the land or by MSG for when they next come into the realm. Bidders and interested parties will be told when the auction ends and, in most cases, the name of the winner. Most auctions are open so bid amounts are also detailed.
Any questions? Ask if it is fiscal or if it is in-game.