Marriages tend to be grand ceremonial occasions where two mortals undergo the rite of marriage in the presence of one of the Gods. The commitment is binding and divinely sanctified. Most weddings take place in a divine temple of the Mercinaen Cathedral.
Balthos and Hecate | 1-Midwinter-925 | Aldaron, the god of life
The first Avalon marriage, blessed by Genesis that their firstborn should inhabit the soul of a God.
Fredegar and Sirona were betrothed on 8-Agamnion-931 by Apollo, the god of light in traditional style. Thereafter some weddings retained traditional form but most were modern in both form and "terms" of the betrothal.
Marriage between | Date | Presided by
---------------- ---- ------------
Warfarin and Orielle | 23-Ilmarael-960 | Magellan, god of civilisation
Rowdy Scotty and Arielle | 11-Leaflost-967 | Aldaron, the god of life
Omacron and Bumble | 5-Cloudburst-972 | Wraith
Alkadar and Katherine | 29-Agamnion-974 | Magellan, god of civilisation
Bogweed and Urania | 1-Skyelong-982 | Castigere, the god of justice
Nathan and Cleindori | 7-Hindyear-982 | Castigere, the god of justice
Julian and Calypso | 19-Leaflost-982 | Castigere, the god of justice
Diocletian and Blotto | 26-Midsummer-990 | Lorewarden Grundy
Tipsy and Selara | 4-Eleuthral-992 | Proteus, god of the sea
Wildorchi and Flameblade | 16-Midwinter-996 | Rhadamanthys, the god of compassion
Cuchulainn and Sajora | 16-Cloudburst-1004 | Proteus, god of the sea
Arikarr and Alecto | 30-Skyelong-1005 | Xanthe, goddess of vengeance
Bastion and Mirrigold | 14-Leaflost-1010 | Wraith
Ulyssis and Greenleaf | 9-Hindyear-1014 | Brigantia, the goddess of life
Prabowo and Schinae | 26-Leaflost-1015 | Forest Traveller Mestopholies
Cernunos and Niniane | 22-Eleuthral-1019 | Brigantia, the goddess of life
Nennieth and Midori | 21-Springflower-1022 | Xanthe, the goddess of vengeance
Nafai and Siobhann | 19-Ilmarael-1023 | Xanthe, the goddess of vengeance
Squirrelfish and Jade | 4-Agamnion-1026 | Xanthe, the goddess of vengeance
Wotan and Caitriona | 28-Hindyear-1027 | Wraith
Laslow and Kiku | 7-Leaflost-1027 | Wraith
Mariah and Elione | 12-Paglost-1028 | Wraith
Shadowen and Rhapsody | 12-Eleuthral-1032 | Proteus, god of the sea
Drasnia and Kalysta | 25-Midsummer-1033 | Xanthe, the goddess of vengeance
Warakurna and Wyldefyre | 5-Midsummer-1037 | Maedhros Allendil, the Hunter
Tukar and Kat | 29-Hindyear-1038 | Wraith
Babidi and Zerina | 6-Eleuthral-1039 | Inshallah of the Night
Duroc and Tathagres | 26-Cloudburst-1041 | Wraith
Ragar and Sheigh | 11-Agamnion-1044 | Proteus, god of the sea
Elysium and Eluria | 12-Mournsend-1047 | Xanthe, the goddess of vengeance
Rael and Koyen | 29-Mournsend-1047 | Xanthe, the goddess of vengeance
Lithium and Marvinia | 11-Cloudburst-1049 | Wraith
Jhor and Kiarn | 6-Agamnion-1049 | Proteus, god of the sea
Randon and Taen | 30-Cloudburst-1051 | Xanthe, the goddess of vengeance
Agrias and Elanna | 27-Mournsend-1052 | Inshallah, goddess of the moon
Foxedup and Mithria | 28-Agamnion-1055 | Inshallah, goddess of the moon
Tetsuo and Laiquendai | 5-Midsummer-1056 | Inshallah, goddess of the moon
Sisyphus and Wolfsong | 8-Ilmarael-1059 | Wraith
Zartuuz and Nuincuiel | 14-Skyelong-1061 | Wraith
Fireforge and Lyonesse | 2-Midwinter-1062 | Wraith
Ramoth and Alisia | 23-Midsummer-1069 | Proteus, god of the sea
Meerkat and Ailiana | 23-Springflower-1072 | Proteus, god of the sea
Chronos and Raina | 29-Eleuthral-1080 | Rhadamanthys, the god of compassion
Elisin and Araydia | 10-Mournsend-1088 | Rhadamanthys, god of compassion
Dookukhan and Aradhyl | 9-Agamnion-1091 | Wraith
Honourbound and Maud | 9-Leaflost-1107 | Aldaron, the god of life (now divorced)
Hanann and Nydaeza | 27-Springflower-1113 | Proteus, god of the sea
Qrick and Maenad | 22-Ilmarael-1120 | Rhadamanthys, god of compassion
Zyltan and Allys | 4-Agamnion-1120 | Rhadamanthys, god of compassion
Hero and Eilan | 22-Skyelong-1121 | Rhadamanthys, god of compassion
Tazius and Eloire | 30-Agamnion-1139 | Castigere, the god of justice
Hanann and Tinuviel | 1-Skyelong-1142 | Brigantia, the goddess of life
Crimson and Catlania | 3-Skyelong-1142 | Brigantia, the goddess of life
Thamior and Ester | 20-Agamnion-1160 | Brigantia, goddess of nature
Elmak and Krayia | 22-Midsummer-1169 | Brigantia, goddess of nature
Alister and Rakira | 18-Midwinter-1183 | Xanthe, the goddess of vengeance
Bowdyn and Dinamoria | 9-Skyelong-1183 | Brigantia, goddess of nature
Zeyth and Brightstar | 30-Ilmarael-1245 | Lady Aine
Ithikul and Sajora | 16-Midsummer-1246 | El Salvador, War's Waxwork
Goten and Alathenia | 30-Midwinter-1248 | Brigantia, goddess of nature
Dhonuill and Amarwath | 21-Ilmarael-1249 | Aldaron, the god of life
Achelous and Lamothe | 3-Springflower-1250 | Xanthe, the goddess of vengeance
Moridaan and Cyndalaste | 3-Ilmarael-1250 | Xanthe, the goddess of vengeance
Lightfingers and Adaryn | 29-Mournsend-1253 | Thanatos, god of Death
Nightmoth and Tazlilly | 23-Agamnion-1253 | Telemachus, the god of wisdom
Laslow and Tazlilly | 8-Paglost-1258 | Rhadamanthys, god of compassion
Jimrey and Brightstar | 19-Midsummer-1276 | Elmak, Wander of Allendil
Salvador and Mirales | 27-Agamnion-1290
Elminster and Chasity | 22-Midsummer-1298
Caine and Zatarina | 21-Leaflost-1302
Zero and Viresse | 8-Cloudburst-1306 | Ashvani, goddess of the moon
Prometheus and Arlya | 2-Midwinter-1309 | Ashvani, goddess of the moon
Serethipas and Lukien | 20-Eleuthral-1309
Sajora and Ithikul | 3-Ilmarael-1317
Dunccan and Aster | 10-Paglost-1325 | Genesis (all avatars/all realms)
Tempre and Clara | 8-Leaflost-1343 | Ashvani [private]
Drache and Amarwath | 19-Leaflost-1377 | Sylvanus [private]
Contralto Nimikins The Silver Lining and Desultory Eveian Waldlied, Knightswood's Lament on 3-Eleuthral-1429 byLleu.
Happily Engaged Druidess Caelia,Petter of Ponies and Engaged Altruist Ivantarue, the badging tree on 28-Eleuthral-1438 by Hyperion, god of the sun.
Sarvar Vizaresh, Daeva Of Oppression and Empyreal Mysterin on 28-Cloudburst-1486 by Xanthe, goddess of veangeance.
Magelord Tragnarion and Magess Leena Starlight on 1-Ilmarael-1500 by Genesis, the god of time.