Should a city be successful in forging and filling a great golden wheel with wealth of sufficient value to persuade the great dragon of Sapience to act on their behalf during the month of Hindyear it is the Prince or Princess who must determine its actions. Prince or Princess may type WHEELWORTH to assess the worth of the golden wheel to be offered to the dragon. He or she may type DRAGON STATUS to review the current requests for actions on behalf of the city during the waking month. The dragon of Sapience is a whimsical beast and has little time for human foibles. It will bestow three simple boons.
The first, to protect citizens of a favoured city against enemies trespassing on said city's homesoil. Prince or Princess may type DRAGON PROTECT followed by the amount of wheel-worth to expend on this boon to determine the extent of the dragon's focus on city protection. Its protection, let it be said, is deadly and invincible, but not eternal.
Secondly it may send destructive flames to burn fields of those cities listed as enemies of that which it favours at precisely the point of their crop ripening. Type DRAGON CROPFLAME followed by the amount of wheel-worth to decide on this route.
Thirdly, it may augment the favoured city's own crops by gift of a blessing rain. Type DRAGON CROPAID followed by the wheel-worth to expend to determine the extent of this boon occupying the dragon's attention. Use DRAGON RAIN to set the amount of wheel-worth used to steal commodities from about the land to shower them about the streets of your home city during the autumn months. Bear in mind the dragon will shower commodities on citizens in the friend-city and only on those citizens not sharing the location (or adjacent to) enemies.
The dragon of Sapience will return to sleep once it has depleted the entirety of the various golden wheel offerings or at the dawn of the New Year, whichever comes first. It will then seek to awaken once again on the subsequent Hindyear. On those years without offerings the dragon will not come forth.
Be sure that you have allotted your amounts via DRAGON PROTECT, DRAGON RAIN, DRAGON CROPAID and DRAGON CROPFLAME before the month of Hindyear else your golden wheel's value will be wasted.