The highest level attainable in a skill is called Ultimate. This brings with it almost the entire repertoire of abilities associated with the skill and tends to also be the highpoint of simple development via lessons/learning. There is a higher point, above regular Ultimate, known as the 'crowning point' of a skill and it is depicted (if you have attained it) by an ----> arrow against the skill's name in your SKILLS list. There is always an extremely significant crowning ability (often more than one) at this supremely respected level of attainment.
Although it is possible to learn lessons to push along your progress between regular Ultimate and the crowning point of arrowed Ultimate (e..g. HELP SPECIALOFFERS), it is NOT a necessity. Every Avalon month you are active in the land - so long as in total your activity is over a few hours for fortnight - you will automatically nudge a little higher. This will affect all your skills at Ultimate, raising them all each Avalon month you are active on a slow but steady climb towards the crowning point. This automatic increase applies only to those with active subscription.
You will be informed, skill by skill, each time one of them reaches that renowned pinnacle - and should check your abilities list since it is likely one or more crowning powers will be gained.
It takes SIX to NINE "real" months or twenty Avalon years for an Ultimate skill to automatically crown itself without a single lesson being used in its advance.
Lessons used to crown skills should be husbanded cleverly. Darsurion enhanced lessons on Ultimate skills (or specialist skills) can only be used once an Avalon month, on a post-Ultimate skill, to gain extra advancement. Thereafter darsurion lessons will be used at darsurion pace but with no more gain than single unenhanced lessons.
The final piece of information worth bearing in mind is the special quest available to those who attain the full repertoire of crowned skills - pushing their general skills to arrowed crowned Ultimate, and their guildskills as high as possible. This quest, about which you will be informed when the time is right, is known as 'the quest of the unicorn'. It is obtained by seeking an audience with the celestial moon, up in the heavens or at his resting place when he is not required to roam the skies. Legends speak of the quest's reward: a peerless steed, akin to the great unicorn, immortal and unwaveringly loyal to you; a companion and protector for the rest of your Avalon life. So saying, this is a labour and some find it easier to just buy a wyvern from the curiosity shop.