Oracles are the specialist Farsight users, those members of the Seer profession whose choice for full development centres on the exploration of the ethereal winds. The oracles are a mysterious group, existing most of the Avalon lives in the heavens - invisible and virtually invulnerable to the everyday affairs of the land. Watch for the lightning and the heavens ablaze for these are tell-tale signs of an oracle in action.
The oracle at the room of the stars in the ruins of Ilmarael is able to inform you in greater detail about the development of your skills and abilities.
Syntax: ASK ORACLE <skill> or ASK ORACLE <skill> <ability>.
If you type ASK ORACLE followed by the skill (e..g. Fisticuffs) in the presence of the oracle, ussually found at "Room of stars" in the ruins of Ilmarael, the old man will inform you how far you are to the next skill level in percentage and in lessons. Optionally you can ask the oracle about an ability in a specified skill and he will try to tell you how many lessons to attain it.