The DUTIES refer to important tasks (usually as part of a city's ongoing security and well-being and development) given by ministers, barons or city leaders to junior through middling standing citizens. It is an act of trust and a gesture of confidence in the younger citizen to have one or more "duties" given out to his/her care.
Duties should never be forced on a youngster or bestowed on juniors incapable of carrying them out else there is a risk of both overladening the citizen and of the city missing out on some vital link in the chain of its key defences/civic affairs. See CITY HELP DUTIES for info on entrusting duties to junior and middling citizens from a city elder perspective.
Most of the duties are monthly (by the Avalon calendar, i..e. every "real world" day) or seasonal (every three to four "real world" days) and the least frequent are Avalon annual (each Avalon year is two "real world" weeks). Most of the frontline duties are entrusted to a few different junior/middling citizens so the responsibility does not fall to just one ambitious - but potentially inexperienced - individual.
Duty completion is logged and each duty has a worth depending on the extent of the task and the genersoity (or wealth) of the ministries involved.
The salary or material benefits from completed duties are available from the royal clerks and you will be alerted whenever you have remuneration for collection e..g. in the last week of acquired by - so long as the duty shows as "completed".
Syntax: DUTIES.
To see all the duties currently entrusted to you for completion and the current state whether "to do" or "completed" or "collect now". The "collect now" tells you to go to the ministry or civic clerks and receive your reward (sometimes salary, sometimes other benefit). The list will also tell you whether it is an ongoing duty or a one-off trust.
Syntax: DUTY COLLECT <duty>.
When a duty has been completed it will show on your DUTY LIST as "collect now" at the end of the Avalon month (or whatever period the duty covers). Most cities prefer to pay for duty completions personally, through the Chancellor or Minister of State (or a trusted deputy). This transaction you must handle yourself. Some cities set up an automated duty payment system through the chancellory building. If automated, you can collect retrieve your salary from the civic clerks. Type DUTY COLLECT followed by the specific duty listed as "collect now" in the correct location and you will gain your reward; the duty subsequently being set back to "to do" if it is continuous or coming off your list if it was a one-off trust.
See HELP DUTY for a list of the actual duties possible and a summary of what each entail. Do not be shy in asking your city leaders to entrust duties to you as it is a great way to prove yourself, to improve your Avalon skill and gain gold (or similarly important acquirements).