The Cardinal is the representative of the patron deity of a city, the highest ranked mortal in the eyes of the divinity most associated with a city. This deity is often the city patron: the God chosen by the Crown to be represent the city's interest in Olympus and confer blessing of guidance when need arises. There are times, however, when the Crown's chosen city patron is overmatched by the reputation and Order-representation of another God and in such cases potential conflict arises since the latter is the divinity to whom the privilege of Cardinal appointment will fall. See HELP REPRESENTATION for more details.
The Cardinal is appointed by the patron of the city, and acts as mouthpiece for the city patron. Since the Cardinal is unaffected by the Prince and the Barony, it is a fairly stable position with not inconsiderable power. The Cardinal is able to give out favour or disfavour to the city having widespread effects on the trade and activity of a city. In addition to this, since the Cardinal's word reflects the wishes of a deity and are usually held in high esteem by their patron, they often wield great influence over the government of a city. Cardinals and temple myrmidons type HELP HOLYCOMS for a list of your unique command-set.
Tradition dictates the Cardinal should not be one of the Barony; not hold any elected office nor head up a ministry. These positions are said to conflict with his/her primary loyalty, to the city and its religious well-being. The Cardinal is supported by his or her aides, known as the Temple Myrmidons: myrmidon powers, unlike aides, are defined solely by the Cardinal. Cardinals have - by default - access to all of the commands available to the Ministry of State and Ministry of Public Relations and can gain aideships in any ministry or area of civic government. The Cardinal is also co-responsible for sponsorship of citizens with the Public Relations Minister - see HELP SPONSORSHIP.
The position of Cardinal within the structure of a city can be viewed thus: the Crown and the Prince at the top of the pyramid, the Cardinal oscillating between stature equivalent of Prince or Prime/First Minister; below Prince when in agreement since Princely rule is absolute BUT equal of the Crown during times of conflict. This ambiguity makes Cardinal one of the land's most difficult roles though - needless to say - the ideal is a co-operating Prince, Cardinal, Prime Minister, Barony/Ministers, working alongside the Field Marshall and the army with well selected aides and supporting citizens ensemble.
See also: HELP REPRESENTATIONS, HELP GOVERNMENT, HELP REPUTATION, HELP BARONY and if you are Cardinal or one of the temple myrmidons, type HELP HOLYCOMS for info on your unique range of powers.